Monday, May 09, 2005

Summertime.. and the living isn't easy.

I am not cut out for heat. I've had the AC going since March when the weather began warming up because I can't stand being hot in the slightest. Neither can the kidlet. It's so uncomfortable. Clothes stick to your skin by a thin sheen of sweat and merely walking from the living room to the bedroom requires a stop in the bathroom to splash a bit of cold water on the face. I hate it.

I mention this because our ancient AC has become frozen again as it does from time to time. This means I have to shut it off and let it thaw for several hours. in the meantime the house becomes stifling hot - the kind of hot that makes you long for the deep-freeze of early January even if you do have to scrape the car windows.

So Shan and I are baking and trying not to think about it. Hopefully I can turn it back on before bed because the only thing worse than being awake and uncomfortably hot is trying to sleep while uncomfortably hot.

I hate this apartment.

Anyway, had a nice weekend again, nothing as exciting as a weekend away, but I got to introduce Shan to Gone With the Wind, which she enjoyed. I also was awakened very early Sunday morning by Shan and for a moment I thought she was sick. Fortunately she wasjust coming in with a lovely breakfast she had prepared for Mother's Day :) She dragged herself out of bed at 6:15am on a Sunday to scramble some eggs and cook some toast and brew some Chamonile tea for me.

Awwwwwwwwwww :) She's so cool.

Saturday I'd taken her out to Fonner park to practice her parking skills. We've discovered she isn't very confident parking the car so we're going to work on that until she's got it nailed. We're slowly building up her confidence and her skills so that driver's ed and the big test won't be a huge shock like it was for me.

Oh I'd driven a little bit before I took my test. My dad painstakingly and patiently taught me how to drive in his beloved Honda Accord (a stick I might add) in the empty parking lots around my high school. But that was after I was cruelly tossed behind the wheel in class and told to drive along Highway 1 in Pacific Grove. A road so precarious and scary I'm still afraid of it.

I didn't get a lot of time to become confident behind the wheel, which might explain the 6 attempts I made at parallel parking during my test :)

Anyway, here's my baby behind the wheel *sniffle*


At 10:01 PM, Blogger Günter said...

Hey, but it actually looks like she's parked in that second one.

At 10:18 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

She is actually parked, but she'd just pulled into the spot. She's not quite got the concept of "turn the wheel a little more honey, otherwise you'll take out that other car's rear bumper" down yet so we had to practice :)


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