Friday, March 07, 2003

I decided that this just isn't a blog until I've done one of those personality-type quiz thingies. So I did a random search, found one, and answered it below. Everyone should do these because they're fun. No really, they are.

1) What, if any, nicknames do you have? I don't really have any. Unless you count my net name, which is really just my middle name. I used to be called 'Blueberry' though by some perverted friends of mine who thought I had a penchant for blueberry-flavoured joygel. (I don't btw so get your mind out of the gutter :D)
2) What is your nationality? Born and raised in Yankeedom, family came over from Ireland.
3) What is your height? I'm 5'8". No I will not convert that for you freaky metric Europeans.
4) What is your hair colour? It's usually some shade of red.
5) What is your shoe size? My feet are annoying in that I'm the only female in the family with big feet. I wear a size 11 in women's, size 9 in men's. Everyone else is a 7 or 8. It sucks.
6) What is your place of birth? I was born in Grand Island, Nebraska.
7) Where did you grow up? I grew up, however, mainly in California. My favourite spot I lived in for about 6 years was Monterey, CA.
8) What is your current occupation? I'm a web designer.
9) Name your favorite: band, TV show, album, flavor/taste, car, author, flower, movie, food, singer, fruit, book, color, actress, cologne, cartoon, song, magazine, drink, number, actor, perfume, animal? Don't have a fave band right now, Survivor, Chicago Soundtrack, hot chocolate, Jaguars, Tolkien, Birds of paradise, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, homemade veggie soup, Bowie, pineapples, Lotr Trilogy again, deep green, Nicole Kidman, Canel Christale, Spongebob, Gollum's Song, Entertainment Weekly, Dasani, 42, Richard harris, Sunflowers, cats or dogs.
10) What is the one thing you would never do? Bungee Jump
11) What is the one thing you've never done, but want to? Surf.
12) What is the first thing you notice on a person? Probably their eyes, unless I'm talking to someone online, then I notice spelling errors :(
13) What one word would describe you best? Clever
14) What are your morals? What the hell kind of question is that? Uhhhh, don't kill people? Be excellent to each other? Stupid question.
15) Name 3 things you really don't like: 1 - It's pronounced 'Noo-Klee-Er' Mr. Bush. Not 'Noo-Cue-Ler'. Idiot. 2 - People who say 'I seen that movie the other day'. 3 - Blatant bigotry.
16) What three things would you change in the world if you could? I'd go back and make sure Bush Jr. was never elected, for any public office whatsoever. I'd go back in time and make my father go to the doctor. And I'd probably fire whomever thought hiring Carrottop for 1-800-call-att adverts would be a good idea.
17) If you could only take three items to a desert isle, what would they be? A stack of my favourite books, suntan lotion, and a cell phone.
18) What are three things that turn you on? Sexually? Or just in general... Sexually speaking, it would have to be left up to your imagination because I'm not going to answer that. Generally speaking, I like it when a person actually listens when I speak rather than just waiting for their turn to speak. I also like people who have interesting things to say, I like a good debate - a good-natured one mind you, not one that turns into a fight.
19) What are three things that turn you off? Well I think I answered that one already - when talking to me, please be considerate and listen to what I'm saying. Don't just nod your head and smile and then cut me off just to be able to hear your own voice.
20) What three places would you most like to travel to in the world? Ohhh, pick three spots in Europe and I'd be happy.
21) What three things would you most like to change about yourself, and why? I'd beef up my willpower, my metabolism and my ability to stand up for what I want instead of justifying my unhappiness in where I live by saying I'm staying to be close to my family.
22) Do you have any brothers and/or sisters? How many? I have a sister, and about a year ago I found out I have another sister, but I've only met her once.
23) Do you have a best friend? Yes. 2 of them :)
24) Do you use illicit (illegal) drugs? Nope.
25) Do you smoke? Not anymore.
26) Do you have any piercings? List them: Umm, my left ear is pierced three times, my right ear once. That's it.
27) Do you have any tattoos? List them: No tattoos.
28) What do you feel your purpose in life is? If I knew that one, I suppose I'd be happier eh?
29) Describe the perfect man/woman: My perfect man knows how to fix computers and cars, will kill spiders without rolling his eyes at me, is affectionate without being smothering, and willing to leave me alone now and then and let me have my own space.
30) Who do you think is the sexiest woman/man in the world? Oh gosh, ummm, depends on my mood. I could drool over Joaquin Phoenix/Gabirel Byrne/Elijah Wood for hours really.
31) What do you look for in a person? Intelligence, sensitivity, sense of humour.
32) Rate yourself from 1 to 10: I'm a 10 and don't you forget it :)
33) Are you a romantic person? I like to think so.
34) What do you consider romantic? Thoughtfulness is probably my number one romantic ideal.
35) Would you rather have a serious relationship, or a one-night stand? Well, a serious one, because there's absolutely nothing satisfying in a one-night stand. Having said that, my idea of a perfect relationship is one that doesn't involve me having to give up any shred of my independence.
36) Have you ever truly fell in love with someone? If so, how did it feel? Yes. Wonderful, heart-wrenching, painful, glorious, sexy, perfect.
37) Do you ever look in the mirror and make funny faces? All the time :)
38) What do you like to dress in? Comfy clothes on the outside, nice silky satin stuff underneath.
39) Say you were in a busy eatery/restaurant, what would you do if your friend/mate jumped up on the table, and began singing to you? Laugh good-naturedly and applaud when finished
40) Would you run 4 blocks nude for $100,000? Nope.
41) What are your hobbies? Movies, traveling, computers.. nothing horribly exciting but it makes me happy.
42) Do you like to read? Voraciously. If I don't have a book going I feel naked.
43) What types of books? Depends on the mood again. I like thrillers, courtroom stuff, a bit of Sci-fi.
44) What authors? Tolkien, Grisham, Jean Auel, JK Rowling (she's my hero), Ann Rule, Patricia Cornwell.
45) Do you exercise? Sporadically.
46) If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be? Nicole Kidman
47) Do you have an idol? If so, who? Yes, JK Rowling. Single Mom makes good :)
48) What types of music do you enjoy? 80s alternative, underground stuff. I despise Top 40.
49) What is your best memory? Your worst? Most memorable? Best - Probably any family get-together. Worst - Death of my mother. Most memorable? My daughter's first steps.
50) What was the nicest thing ever done for you? The worst? Nicest - Oh my daughter does them constantly. She'll draw a picture for me, write a story or make something out of clay for me while away at a sleepover. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know she's thinking of me when she's away. The worst - Probably the day my selfish ex-husband came home from class one day and told me he was divorcing me and taking my daughter.
51) Do you have plans to go to college? Been there, done that.
52) Have you traveled anywhere? Oh yes, I've traveled a lot around the US, and done quite a bit of the UK and Ireland.
53) If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be? Back to England.
54) Have you ever been arrested? *cough* I plead the fifth.
55) If you could be an animal, which one would you be? A slinky little cat.
56) Do you believe in a god? If so, who? Why? Oh man I don't want to do a deep dark god talk here. I don't believe in God. Why? I have my reasons.
57) Do you believe in the supernatural? No not really. I like the idea of it, and it makes for great movies (usually) but I don't believe it's real.
58) What is your outlook on homosexuality/bisexuality? I believe that if you are happy with yourself then that is all that matters. I haven't got a single issue with anyone and their sexual orientations. One of my best friends said it best when he said 'I'm not homosexual, I'm not heterosexual or bisexual. I'm just sexual'. Right on.
59) Have you ever been in love with someone that didn't love you? If so, how did it feel? Ohhh back in high school I had a huge crush on a boy called Patrick Douthit. He of course, didn't know I existed I'm sure he still doesn't. But it was one of those 'worship from afar' things. Didn't hurt too much - nothing compared to the pain of being in a serious relationship and getting dumped for stupid reasons like distance.
60) What, if any, phobias do you have? I have a fear of drowning. But I love to swim. Go figure.
61) What is your sexual orientation? Well I'm just sexual too, but only with blokes :)


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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