Monday, October 28, 2002

Ohhhhhhh bleh. Woke up, nauseated and just thoroughly nasty. Not it's not that, yeesh ;) Impossible. I think I ate something off. Might have been my hamburger in the sloppy joes last night. I was dumb and let it thaw on the counter because I hate doing it in the microwave. Well Not going to do that again. Been in the fecking bathroom all day. Lovely eh? It's after 5 now though and I'm feeling a touch better. Should be right as rain tomorrow. I am so glad I'm allowed to work from home if necessary.

Speaking of that, I typed up probably the most mind-numbingly boring rubbish for a newsletter I'm working on. I think the newsletter is for Hospice patients, family and staff etc and it's written by some staff member. I think, I didn't get a lot of background on it. Anyway the copy was given to me on paper which means instead of a quick cut and paste, I have to type the fecking thing out. And oh. My. Gawd. The woman goes on for two pages and 800 words about candle flames. I think she was going for metaphor comparing candle flames to grief but she went way to far with it. Or maybe it was just because I had to type it out. I don't know. Then someone else wrote what started to be a nice piece about Autumn, which soon turned into patriotic drivel complete with a quote from William Bradford thanking God for protection from 'savages'. Yick. I'm glad I'm going away for turkey day. I think.

Thanksgiving's always been a family holiday (of course), but as my family is either dead or not bothering with it, I'm going to my good friend Kat's house in Indiana (just outside Chicago.) It's going to be weird though, not having mom's sweet potatoes or green bean casserole. I'm not in charge of sweet pickles this year :( But, I'm looking forward to going. Maybe doing something so different for the holiday will take the edge off of missing mom, dad and Judy. Kelly too of course, but at least I can call her. Yeah, I think a roadtrip is just what the doctor ordered.

So the plan is, 10-11 hours to Kat's house, Thanksgiving and a movie with her and her family, The day after spent in Chicago seeing the sites and shopping with very little money, then Saturday morning drive up to Rick's and see the Big Pink House and get some more beer lessons. The kid can't wait to see his kitties. I need to tell him that I changed my mind again and we would like to stay over and just drive back Sunday rather than driving thorugh the night on very little sleep. Might have to PTO Monday aswell to recuperate. I'm getting to old for all of this :D

Anyway off to see if I can handle some food. Ta ra.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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