Friday, March 28, 2003

I wonder if this thing has stopped being a pain. Don't really have anything exciting to blog about. I refuse to talk about the war and the only cool thing that's happened this week is that we bought the new Zelda game and have been happily addicted to it ever since. Right now is a good time to be holed up in the house. The other night apparently someone fired a gun into a house a few doors down from me. No one was hurt, but police found six bullet holes in the wood. So I have been afraid to let the kidlet go outside to play. This used to be a failry benign town, as much as I hate its dreariness. But even I have to admit the violence is more frequent than ever. But I do refuse to blame it on any one ethnicity like some other residents here do. Apparently our problems started when "those damn Mexicans" started coming here and taking our jobs. (If you could see me right now, watch my eyes as they roll). I hate to burst the hicks' bubbles, but quite a lot of the violence in this town is related to *gasp* drunken white people!! *SHOCK - HORROR*.

A couple years ago I worked as a waitress at a steakhouse, and I had a friend there who was, shall we say, friendly with a number of drug addicts and gang members and you know what? They were all white. One night I was parked outside her house waiting for her to get home (no way was I going inside without her as her boyfriend was home and had a slew of idiot around drinking beers). Suddenly a car comes flying around the corner, it shut its lights off and ground to a halt right behind my car. The occupants inside, all 3 white boys jumped out and flew across the street and into neighbour's backyards, blending in with the shadows. Seconds later a police car races by, lights flashing, looking for them I presume. But they didn't see them and didn't notice the car they were after was parked right behind me. I don't know what they did - I didn't stick around to find out, but suffice to say I had no desire to hang around this gang of idiots anymore. I liked my friend a lot, she was a sweetheart, but I hated her boyfriend and his friends - all white, all self-professed members of some stupid 'westside' gang of privileged delinquents. Some of their parents are prominent business people in the community. I wish I could open up the eyes of the 'I hate Mexicans' crowd here, but it's a lost cause. It's like arguing with a wall.

Anyway, I doubt I'd find much different anywhere else in the country. I'm looking to the day when we can move away from here, but I can't think of a single place I'd want to move to in the United States. I don't know what I want. Maybe it'll come to me. Until then, I'll toil away here.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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