Monday, March 10, 2003

On the S&N forums I posted a bunch of writing exercises in the creative section and I think I'll do one here. I've got a story floating around in my head but need more details. Maybe this will help. Anyway, I'm going to make up a person and bring them to life. Hopefully :D
There was a Mary in every junior high. The girl no one remembered. The girl who endured the jokes about her clothes from the rich kids. The girl who could never hope to be popular because she did everything wrong. She was the one who, when asked to go up to the board and answer a math problem, had an embarrassing stain on her jeans the day she got her first period. She was the girl who threw up at her desk during biology. Teachers may have felt a little sympathy towards her, but mainly they wished she was in any other class but their own. She was a chubby girl with horribly curly brown hair. No svelte, bouncy curls for her. Oh no, it was wiry and had a tendency to stick out in odd directions. Her small, freckled face was dwarfed in size by her thick glasses. Her vision was so bad, she couldn't read the big 'E' on the eye chart. Her mother said contacts were out of the question until she was older and so, she suffered behind those god-awful frames. She looked rather like a wild-eyed owl dodging students as she made her unobtrusive way to each class.

When she entered the classroom, no one noticed. That's not exactly true... the teacher noticed and gave a little grimace. One of the popular girls snickered at Mary's hopelessly out-of-date clothes. Mary eased past the 'cool crowd' and slunk into her seat at the back of the room where she immediately piled her books as high as she could on top of her desk and hid behind them, lowering her head and staring at her desk for the duration of class. The teacher never called on her anyway, what was the point of paying attention? She would just sit here and write her little vengeance stories. Her stories were her escape.

So there's Mary. I have a vague idea of what I want to do with her but right now, it's just *too* vague. I could add a little more depth to her as well. I think I want her to come out of junior high so traumatised and tormented that she vows she'll get even with the nasty 'popular' kids one day. And so she writes little stories of how she gets back at them all. And as she continues on to high school, her stories get darker and more violent. And I could intersperse her everyday life with her fantasy world until one day, they merge together.

I'll think on it.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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