Sunday, May 16, 2004

Hey I'm on a roll

Looks like all I needed to kick my ass into blogging gear was a new look here, hehe.

Not that I have much of anything of interest to write about. Today was a lazy day around our house. Apart from doing the laundry, the kid and I just watched Finding Nemo and hung out. We're having a lovely thunderstorm atm which is nice to watch. It's a little light on the thunder though. I do love a good storm. I don't know what it is about them that makes me feel good. A lot of people think I'm odd because I don't wish for bright sunny weather all the time.

We have an office cleaning lady that comes in every day around 1pm and she inevitably mentions the weather. I find it particularly cruel considering our offices are below ground and windowless :) But she's an older lady who prefers warm sunny days and gives me funny looks when I sort of cringe and wish for a bit of rain.

I think it comes from my time spent in Monterey. I really came to love it when the fog would roll in over PG and drape itself like a fuzzy blanket over the peninsula. If I happened to be on the beach at the time I took pleasure in being able to listen to the waves crashing on the beach, but not seeing them. I also enjoyed the year-round cooler weather we had there. I wish I could decently describe how... comforting I found gloomy days, and still do. I don't get depressed when it's cloudy and I don't watch the weather channel like a hawk waiting for word of the sun peaking out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some vampire-like weirdo who only thrives in gloom. I enjoy a beautiful clear day with a cool breeze and not a cloud in the sky. The colours seem more vivid and vibrant and the plethora of big beautiful trees around here look especially nice contrasted with a brilliant blue sky during the spring. It's just that I don't get that grey-weather scowl on my face when I wake up and see that it looks like rain. And I don't grimace and flinch when the cleaning lady comes in lamenting the foul weather.

So she thinks I'm a freak. Ah well.


At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry dude i didnt knwo what i was doing on here argh thats embarassing


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