Saturday, March 13, 2004

Broadcast decency

My local Fox affiliate ran an editorial piece the other day during a commercial break that irritated the hell out of me. They had some suit get in front of the camera and ask me to write my senators asking them to support the broadcast decency bill that's making its way through congress right now in the wake of Janet Jackson's boob-popping incident. They also wanted me to tell my senators to give the power back to local stations to decide which programs are suitable for family viewing.

Frankly, I believe I'm quite old enough to decide on my own what I or my daughter should or should not watch and I'm appalled that the gall the local stations have to want to step in and make those decisions for me. Fuck them. You hear that Fox guy in Kearney Nebraska? F-U-C-K you. I will NOT be asking my senator to support this bill, I will instead be asking them to oppose it. I know it won't do any good because I'm a liberal lost in a sea of extreme conservatives.



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