Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Tornado Time

Well I've just returned from a quick trip to the north end of town to sit in my grandparents' basement. Yes it's that time of year when a beautiful sunny, muggy day can quickly become a wall of ominous black clouds swirling above and showering Grand Island with rain, hail and the odd tornado.

Whenever the weather gets scary my grampa usually calls us and makes us drive up there to be safe down in their basement, so we round up anything we'd like to hang onto, stuff Spooky in a backpack and drive up there.

There's a lot of bad weather happening this evening but oddly, the system sort of split as it hit GI and the two parts ended up skirting completely around us which I find odd. It rained a little and we had some wind and a lovely lightning show but not much else.

So as soon as the all clear was given we came home. Spooky streaked up our stairs and practically banged down the door trying to get in. She's not used to taking road trips you see and I think she was scared. Poor thing also probably did not enjoy being squashed in Shan's backpack full of homework.

Anyway that was our excitement for the evening.

Spent a bit of time today fiddling with the header for this blog. I don't like it but it's better then the generic one from the blogger template. I really should just suck it up and redo the design here but it's such a fiddly pain in the ass with all the blogger code. Meh. I don't hate this template though, apart from the colours and header. The layout and code is quite nice actually so maybe I'll just fiddle with colours.

Sorry, rambling. My contacts are bugging me so I guess I'll put the laptop away now. Night.


At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't you learned yet that a tornado warning in Grand Island actually means, "Let's all run outside and look at the sky!"?


At 8:51 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Lol! I forgot :)


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