Saturday, November 12, 2005

Ach Spooky shutup already!

My cat is driving me nuts. It seems I'm not allowed to sleep beyond 4:30am because of her. I can't figure out why she insists on clamoring outside my bedroom door, yowling and scratching at it until I wake up pissed off and frustrated. Not a pleasant way to start the day.

Now, I've had Spooky for around 6 years and it's only rare when either Shannon or I allow her into our rooms during the night because she's restless. She has to explore the rooms she should know by heart. She likes to do laps around our bodies, making sure to step on our hair when we're asleep so that we can bolt upright yelling, "Owwwww!" She enjoys wastebasket tipping, 2am rips around the place at top speed - things like that. So we decided she was never going to be one of those kitties who curl up at their owners' feet for a long night's sleep.

She has a comfy area in the living room all to herself. But no. She'd rather wander over to my door at around 4:30am every frikkin' morning and meow as if she's never going to see me again.

*sigh* It's very frustrating and all this week I've been a right cranky bitch because I can't seem to get a decent, cat-free sleep.

Don't get me wrong, I love Spooky. When she's not yelling loud enough to wake the dead (or the dead asleep anyway) she's very cute. She likes to climb up on my chest and put her paws on either side of my face and umm... how to explain... roll her paws? You know how cats do that kneading thing on blankets or something? She does a lighter version of that on my face and it's really cute. She's hilarious when she's playful, and when she's stalking some speck of dust and fully concentrating on it, we like to make a loud noise which causes her to jump straight up in the air about three feet. It's very amusing.

Anyway tonight Shannon's got a notion to camp out in the living room and I'm very much looking forward to it because it means Spooky will have someone else to bother at 4:30am :)


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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