Saturday, January 28, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

I saw it tonight. I finally saw it. You know how sometimes when there's a movie you've been really wanting to see, and the hype that surrounds it just makes you salivate even more - and then when you finally do it turns out to be a letdown?

Well that didn't happen with Brokeback Mountain. It was worth the wait, and it is worthy of the hype.

Before I gush about the movie I just want to say that the Rivoli Theater in downtown Hastings is stunning. I've never been to it before and had no idea how beautiful it is. I love the Grand downtown here in GI but I have to say that the Rivoli gave me goosebumps when I sat down. I had a flash of being a pioneer coming to town to watch a play in that old building. It was neat :)

Ok on with the film.

Ang Lee is an artist. A true artist. Of course he had stunning scenery to work with, but Lee is able to infuse such meaning into every angle that you can't help but get lost in it. With every glance from the rigid eyes of Ennis into the soulful, puppy-dog eyes of Jack's the angst levels kick up a notch.

I can't see how this movie could fail to become a classic what with dialogue written by arguably the best western author in the world, Larry McMurtry - I mean he's so damn good even I love to read his books and I'm not much into the Western genre.

So why did I love this movie so much? Because as I might have mentioned before a few dozen times, I love the angsty stories. And this one has the angst in spades. It's not a "gay cowboy movies" as I keep hearing it described. I hate that I have to keep saying it's just a love story. A love story between two men, granted, but for crying out loud, the homophobic idiotic comments I keep hearing and reading just tick me off. My daughter told her friend's mother I was in Hastings to see Brokeback and she said her mother rolled her eyes and made some crack about it being a stupid movie.

Well I'll just roll her eyes right back at her. Shame, she doesn't know that she's missing a truly beautiful, excellent movie. It's moving. It doesn't beat you over the head with their relationship - it's just there as the catalyst that drives them into the lives they lead. They love each other and they can't be together and be *happy* because of attitudes that are sadly still with us today. It's a fucking shame.

Go see it. Well, that is if it's playing where you live. If it's out of town, go anyway. It's worth the drive.


At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could NOT agree with you more. I finally found the nerve to sit down one day off work and watch this film. There is only one word I can use to describe it, and that is "Raw." The way its subtle and in your face at the same time left me without words, holding a hand full of kleenex and a face of tears. I felt happy, sad, torn.. all at the same time. This movie is a must see for everyone. I hear people constantly saying its stupid and giving it stigmatic labels such as "The Gay Cowboy Movie" and "Backdoor Mountain." Everytime I hear it it makes me want to wipe that smart-ass grin off their face. This is a stunning and real piece of artwork. Even if the idea of watching it makes you uncomfy, watch it won't regret it.


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