Monday, August 14, 2006

Books everywhere

So Blogger's beta testing a shiny update according to Blogger Buzz. Man it's like Christmas for geeks! Categories! New templates! Comment Feeds oh my! They're rolling it out slowly to only certain blogs and it doesn't look like I get to be one of them, damnit. I want new toys!


Speaking of Christmas... Every day (well every day that the mail comes) has been like Christmas for me. I finally decided what to spend the last of my Amazon bday gift card on: A bunch of books. I've been inspired by Charlotte's living room filled with books. I have a lot of books myself, and they're scattered everywhere. And I've read 95% of them. Some, several times. So between the drooling over C's living room and the need for new reading material, I went a little nuts on Amazon.

Here's what I bought:
Crime & Punishment
Jon Stewart's 'America: A Citizen's guide'
Catcher in the Rye
The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson
Buffalo Girls - McMurtry
Undaunted Courage - Ambrose. A Lewis and Clark book.
Ireland - Frank Delaney
The Great Gatsby

A. I'm trying to read some "classic" literature. I never read much of the classics in school. At least, not the usual stuff. And I've never bothered as an adult. Which I think is shameful.
B. I'm still on a Montana high :) I'm interested in reading more about the L&C expedition.

So yay, I'm well on my way to my own comfy living room filled with lovely lovely books. They've all mostly arrived, I've got plenty to read (I do not like being without a book going) and I'm chuffed.

I actually had a lot more books on that list as I happily sifted through the new & used 'bin.' I was buying books left and right for 50 cents, $1.35, $2.99. It was awesome.

Until I hit the checkout button and was hit with a HUGE shipping and handling cost. Let's just say the S&H was nearly twice the actual cost of all the books. Eep! So I reluctantly had to put some away. It was sad.

So I'm off now. I'm in the middle of Ireland :)


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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

CherryPop's latest posts:

Help me out here...

I'm trying to find found the picture hanging behind David Boreanaz in this screencap. My quest is at an end. Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way!

Mel's Mixes...

I like to make dialogue remixes. It's fun damnit. Mostly Buffy/Angel/24/Bones stuff for now.
Right-clicky, Save as:
Captain John Hart - NEW! A Torchwood remix, feat. James Marsters
Cavemen vs. Astronauts Debate - An audio file of the Great Debate between Spike and Angel

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