Thursday, July 27, 2006

Day Two - Montana Trip

Today, there was a LOT of road to cover. Drive drive drive. That's what we did. Thankfully the scenery was amazing almost the entire way. We detoured over to the Devil's Tower in the morning. Totally worth it. What an eerie hunk of rock.

Was very tired though from lack of sleep. I think I was too excited, plus the motel guest above us had the squeakiest bed ever and evidentally couldn't get comfy all night long judging from the tossing and turning. Ugh.

Made it to Great Falls, horked some bandwidth from an obliging connex somewhere on the main road so I could do a Google map thing and get directions to Gary's house. My bloody cell phone has had no service almost the entire way up here. According to Virgin I should have nationwide coverage. When we hit Billings, Montana I finally found a connex but couldn't send the slew of cell pix I've got to the Spotted Gallery. Argh. And here in GF, it's got a connex but it's on some Amex service or something bizarre like that and basically, the damn phone is useless :( I'm v. disapointed in Virgin.

But other than that, it is lovely to be here, lovely to see life in Gary's neck of the woods and am looking forward to a laxy morning tomorrow, followed by a trip up to the cabin in Lincoln for the weekend which we will use as a base to get to a farmer's market in Helena, a huckleberry-picking trip and then a drive up to Glacier Nat'l Park on Monday. Somewhere in there we might do a boat trip along the Missouri and a little poke around the Tribune to see what a Gannett office is like ;)

Bye for now!


At 9:26 AM, Blogger TongaLH said...

Yeah. That dude told me Virgin wouldn't be good for me if I traveled a lot because they work off Sprint towers in the less-populated areas and in this part of the country, those towers are far and few between. Basically, anywhere north and west of here gets no service or crappy service.

I am so going to Alltel 12/16!!!WORD.


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