Thursday, October 18, 2007


This is a totally irrelevant post, much like my last few. Feel free to skip it.

I was forced to go to sitting in a 'Please give us money' United Way meeting this morning (normally I have no problem donating a bit of my paychecks throughout the year because I think the services the UW serves are worthy. Just this year, I'm struggling so much that it just galls me a bit to give them money and be subjected to tearjerker stories by the speakers to get me to give. Makes me feel manipulated) and as we waited for it to start one of the ladies made smalltalk by pointing out how much she adored this other lady's shoes.

See, I don't understand the Shoe Thing. They're shoes. They keep your feet warm or cool depending on he weather and stop you from slicing the crap out of your feet should you meander through a pile of broken glass.

This lady's shoes weren't anything to squeal over either. They were plain black slingbacks (and I only know the term slingback thanks to many episodes of Sex and the City) with a slight heel. What's the appeal? Why were they comment-worthy? I just don't get it.

Now, I'll admit to being happy to find a pair of shoes that look nice on my feet or match an outfit or something. But I'm no shoe whore. I have my 'work' shoes, most of them are all black and go from a loafer to a boot. This summer I've been back and forthing between a couple different styles of sandals. I have some dreaded fake crocs that are marvelous slipons and have lasted a couple of years (and two trips to Montana for ice cold stream wading.) I've got a couple pairs of sneakers left over from my waitressing days and my beloved Doc Martens that I bought in England.

My Docs are actually the most expensive shoes I own (well boots.) Everything else pretty much came from Payless.

So, my shoes are pretty much just perfunctory as opposed to decorative. I just can't bring myself to get all drooly over shoes.

Maybe my problem - if not being a shoe whore is considered a problem - is that I can never find shoes in my size. The cute and fun shoes stop at about size 9. Anything after that and it gets harder to find anything decent. So maybe my lack of shoe whoriness is due to jealousy.


I dunno why I felt the need to talk about this. I guess I'm still just baffled as to what the hell was so special about that chick's black pointy shoes.


At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get the shoe thing, either. What amazes me most is women who were shoes that make them walk funny. Why would you want that? Or women who wear shoes that are so uncomfortable that they have to switch to sneakers to walk to lunch -- why not just wear comfortable shoes to begin with?

Auntie Jo


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