Saturday, October 06, 2007


On the recommendation of quite a few people really, I watched The Descent earlier today. I scared the hell out of my cat who was lazily curled up by my hip as I watched the movie on a laptop with headphones on. The first 'scare' made me scream a little. Ok, it made me scream quite loudly and jerk away from the screen.

Spooky was not amused judging by the look she gave me after she scrambled off the chair in a blur of black fuzz and hightailed it out of my room. I laughed, and then the movie freaked me again and even though it's been several hours since it ended, Spooky has decidedly remained absent from my side. Hehe.

So yeah, The Descent was good for some scares, the kind I've been looking for and I appreciate that. Acting wasn't hokey and the effects, such as they needed for a movie about caving, were fine. I won't say it's a movie I'll add to my collection, but I enjoyed the pulse-pounding moments immensely.

I'm about to watch 28 Days Later though I'm afraid this zombie flick's going to be more gore than scare. I'll edit this post afterwards.

...a couple hours later...

It was pretty gory, but not as bad as I thought it might be. Though I have to say that probably the one gore thing I can't really 'take' is vomit. Makes me want to heave. So mix vomit with vomiting blood and yeah, I'll be in the bathroom.

This one had bloodvomit and my mouth has still got that metallic-y feeling in it that you get when you're nauseous. But other than that I thought 28 Days Later was really good. For some reason I thought the main character was played by Jim Caveziel when I first saw him. A quick Imdb while I paused the movie to settle the tummy proved me wrong and it's Cillian Murphy. I only know him from Batman. He's very Phwoar :) Even covered in blood. But damnit, he and Caveziel do sort of look alike. I think I can be forgiven for the mistake.

Also nice to know what Madeye Moody really looks like. I'd never seen Brendan Gleeson in anything but the Potter flicks. Best of all though was Christopher Eccleston. My favourite Doctor playing a baddie was way cool. (I guess it's ok to spoil it some since the movie's been out for 5 years. Fair game and all that. If I pissed you off, I'm sorry.)

Anyway, the movie itself... I read where there are various scenes that are sort of an homage to films like Day of the Triffids, Romero's Dead trilogy and Omega Man. Well I've never seen any of those so I wouldn't know but nice trivia eh? Another bit of trivia I quite like is while filming the mansion scenes, the crew's favorite place was The Wooden Spoon in Downton, Wiltshire. They liked it so much that they gave them one of the dead bodies from the execution pile which can still be seen today sitting at a table. - From Imdb I love shit like that :)

I like end of the world movies like this. I think this one sort of touched on the philosophical quandaries you might face if you suddenly wake up to find the world's pretty much fooked and you're a 'survivor.' Granted, the characters had to pretty much just 'survive' instead of figure out how to 'live' since a plethora of pissed off zombies keep trying to kill them. But I think the best part of the film was when the the four survivors made it to the military barricade in the North. I quite like that they swapped one life-threatening terror for a very different one - psycho soldiers.

In a situation like that you'd think soldiers = safety but in this case it was an interesting twist to have them not be rage zombies but instead they've rather gone off the deep-end from having to deal with them and their intentions and motives are just as deadly as the zombies to our intrepid survivors.

Not quite sure if I saw the correct ending since apparently there were a couple of different ones and I didn't look very closely at the extras or film bio on the disc sleeve but it was a bit weird for me. Rushed maybe and I would have liked to have seen a bit more.

Apparently, there is a sequel. I did not now that. Off to Netflix now.


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Asinine Army said...

I'm one of the few who will reccomend 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later. Both creepy in different ways and gory in exactly the same way.


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