Sunday, October 21, 2007

Vets, Vultures & Vampires, Oh my!

Heh. Some dude just emailed me and offered to buy my domain name for 60 bucks. I scoffed. Sixty measly dollars for a domain I've owned for over 5 years and tended to like it was my own child? What a dolt.

It's up for renewal in a few weeks but this is the first time an offer was made for it. He said, "I assume you are not interested in keeping it for yourself..." Ummm, did you bother to load up the addy in your little browser there buddy? Does it not look like a busy little site full of 24 goodness for the fans? Moron.

Ok, I'm done scoffing at this guy now :)

It's been a nice weekend apart from dealing with domain vultures. Friday evening was spent with my Grampa at the season's final football game at my daughter's high school. What's that? Me at a football game? The hell you say.

Yes it's true! :) The stadium was being rededicated in its 60th year and as it's a memorial stadium originally dedicated to war vets, they invited WWII veterans to the game, fed them up, gave them some cool swag and honored them by name at halftime. My Grampa was one of them. It was really lovely and I think he felt pretty proud.

He served in the Navy on the USS Daly during WWII and the Korean War. Ironic eh? A boy from a landlocked state joining the Navy? :) His Army father was none too pleased. I love listening to Grampa's stories. My favourite one is the pineapple story. While he was away, the ship had evidently way overstocked on tinned pineapple, so it was served with every single meal day in and day out. Well, Grampa didn't like it much to begin with but by the time he was allowed to go home on leave he pretty much never wanted to see another pineapple every again.

So he arrives home to Omaha and at his first dinner back, his family proudly served some pineapple that they had been saving from their rations just for him. The look on his face when he gets to this part of the story is hilarious. He said it was the hardest meal he ever had to eat because there was no way he was going to let them know how much he hated it.

Awww :)

Anyway, the game was fun even though we lost and Grampa went home a happy camper. The rest of the weekend we stayed in (as usual really) because the kid is not feeling so hot and I don't want her to miss class. My first TV column in a while was in the paper Sunday which was nice. I did end up writing about the Vampire debate on Moonlight/Angel/Forever Knight and I nicked a lot of it from my last blog on the subject. I doubt anyone will comment on it though because that column is buried in the paper in the TV section no one ever reads because they all have on screen tv guides. Oh well, I have a nice scrapbook and can sort of say "I'm published" :)

I'm off to see if the vulture wrote me back when I none-too-politely told him to sod off.


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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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Cavemen vs. Astronauts Debate - An audio file of the Great Debate between Spike and Angel

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