Wednesday, March 12, 2008

NPR Interview

Just a quick note for now. I've been so busy! The NPR interview I did a few weeks ago for their "In Character" series on 24's Jack Bauer will air on Monday morning (on St. Patrick's Day! Go Irish!) I don't have an exact time but I got an email from Pam Fessler yesterday saying it's still scheduled for the 17th. If you happen to be listening to NPR Monday morning, feel free to point and laugh at how much I sound like a Kiefer Sutherland fangirl :)

UPDATE: Got another email from Pam on the times it will air:
"The Bauer In Character piece is scheduled to air Monday morning at 6:50, 8:50 and 10:50 Eastern time. That should probably be at 5:50, 7:50 and 9:50 CST (other time zones, you're on your own. I don't do math on Fridays.) If for some reason you miss it, it can be found on our website a few hours later at Just click on Programs at the top and go to Morning Edition."

She says I'm in a little bit at the end and that it's a six minute piece.

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At 7:26 AM, Blogger Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. said...

Enjoyed the piece on NPR, although I think most people enjoy the show as much for it ridiculous plot lines as for the action. 24 is like the X-files, but with an agent who carries a weapon and isn't afraid to use it.

The series also provides ample opportunity for spoofing. You may enjoy these posts about how Jack Bauer tries to save the Presidential primaries (and the Writer's Strike!) while being incarcerated in the Glendale City Jail. It's called 48: a lot can happen in 7 weeks.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Yeah, I just finished up rewatching all 6 seasons back to back, and will admit that the storylines got a little... farfetched. To put it mildly :) But I was still entertained. It's good stuff. Thanks for the link!


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