Sunday, May 04, 2008

Fish oil and potential changes around here

So I know very well that eating fish is totally good for you. Problem is, I can't eat fish. Well I can, but I hate it. Like, vehemently despise anything fishy. I've never been able to 'develop a taste' for it and I've tried everything from bacon-wrapped shrimp drenched in honey butter to smoked conger eel.

No matter what I try, there is a gagging, disgusting 'fishy' aftertaste that is the same no matter what the seafood is. And it makes me want to heave. So I've given up the though of ever liking seafood. But I want to take advantage of the health benefits of fish, the omega-3 oils and all that good stuff. Everything I've read says those are so great for you. So I bought some fish oil supplements.

Now, I've never braved buying them before because I fear that fishy aftertaste. But several people assured me you don't get that with the supplements. Well, I'm here to say that, uh, yes you do. At least I do. And it's making me ill. So no more fish oil thingies for me and I'll try to get those health benefits elsewhere. Right now, I think I'm going to go gargle garlic or something to kill this aftertaste.

In other news, I'm seriously considering giving up Blogger for Wordpress for this blog. And I feel guilty about it. I've been with Blogger since before Google bought them. And I love Blogger, I really do. It's a wonderful platform - especially for beginner bloggers. They make it so easy to get right into blogging which is helpful when trying to convince someone who's reluctant to blog because it seems too hard to set up.

But I've been using WP at work for a while now, and I really like it. I love the plugins and it just seems to have more features that I like compared to Blogger. It seems like Blogger is far behind in development. It should the ability to have categories by now and they've only just released the ability to set posts to publish in the future. Come on Google, give some more time and love to Blogger.

I haven't decided if I want to tackle porting all these posts to Wordpress, or if I just want to start from scratch and leave these archived. I'm still pondering. If you see a completely different layout one of these days you'll know I made up my mind. One of the cool things I discovered with WP is a podcast plugin that I think is used over on the Buffy Between the Lines site (which is powered by WP). I tested it out on my TV blog last night and it's fantastico. I've been thinking of doing a little podcast around here and this would make it so simple to do.

What else is up... I'm using a little stimulus check money to stimulate the economy to buy a new laptop. It's so not a high end one, but I don't need anything fancy. All I do at home is some photoshopping, some coding, some video/audio editing and writing so I don't really need a $2000 laptop. But I do need one of my own. I use my daughter's and she's going to be needing it herself soon. I can't be laptopless :) Plus hers is feckin' heavy as evidenced by the fantastically colourful bruises on two of my toes where it fell on them yesterday. I back and forthed on whether I should go to the ER last night because I thought they might be broken. But I don't think they are now. The swelling is gone and I can wiggle them now.

I'm still writing. I've sort of halted the CherryPop story on Ficlets while I concentrate on fleshing it out. I gave up on the idea of writing in a coffeeshop or something. 1. I would be forced to buy a mocha and I've given them up for the most part and 2. Nosey clerks bother me.

Anyway, that's me caught up for now. I'm picking up the new laptop tonight. I can't wait! Off to look for garlic now.


At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh. Writing in coffee shops is more about looking like a writer, than it is about being a writer.

I had been thinking about how CherryPop could use some flaws she could grow out of over the course of her story...

At 10:39 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

For me it's more about not getting distracted by the intertubes. Starbucks makes you pay to use it and it was perfect because I have no will power when it comes to staying offline, but I'm also a cheapskate and refuse to pay for it when I could just go home :)

The downside to that line of thought is no access to google or CP backstory to check things.

I'm unplugging this weekend. The kid (who is another distraction to writing albeit a lovely and welcome one - she's allowed to interrupt me :) will be at work, so I'm shutting myself in with my new laptop and turning off the router. If I need to look something up I'll just have to go to one of the other comps :)

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not so fast! :)

Not all fish oil supplements are created equal... Pharmaceutical grade fish oils have had most of the impurities removed, which results in less fishy-repeat (affectionately referred to as "fish burps"). Also, you can get enteric-coated fish oil so it doesn't break down until it reaches your intestines. Furthermore, if you take it right before a meal, it ensures you have the proper digestive enzymes to absorb it quickly.

Perhaps you can learn more from my blog about omega-3 fish oil! I have more research and studies chronicled there than any other internet website.

Warm regards,


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