Monday, April 07, 2008

Oh Hai. I iz stuck.

So I'm leaving for work this morning and I hear a mewling kitty. I think nothing of it, assuming it's my neighbour's new kitten who likes to popup in their window all the time.

Fast forward to lunch and I come home only to hear the same mewling. "That's odd." I think to myself and I look around. I don't see a thing. And then, I looked up. Waaay the hell up in a tree behind my place is the kitty. It's stuck, it's scared, and a wave of guilt crashed into me as I realized that the poor thing had been up there all morning, hanging precariously from some thin branches, unsure of its footing, freezing (it's cold and wet here today) and I just La La La'd on my way to work and ignored it's tiny mewly cries for help. I will probably burn in hell.

I called the police (part of me just couldn't bring myself to call the fire department. I mean really, they only rescue movie cats, not real ones) who forwarded my request to the Humane Society who then called me back to let me know they weren't going to do a thing. Not going to come and see if they could help it down. Just going to leave it and hope Kitty figures it out on her own. How... Humane. They said they couldn't/wouldn't risk themselves just to get a cat out of a tree. Nice eh?

I spent my lunch hour trying to coax it down with some food. I took these pix because I was debating whether or not I should stay and try to keep helping it down and be late back to work. I wanted proof of what I was up to. But Kitty just meowed helplessly at me when I called to it. It tried valiantly to find its footing, but the branches were so thin where it was that it couldn't get a decent grip. I could tell it was frightened as well. Poor thing was trembling and crying and I never felt so helpless. The kitty wouldn't come down.

So, I went back to work reluctantly. But I thought maybe I could ask around up there and see if anyone had any ideas on what I could do to coax it down. Or if anyone had a spare ladder. I did call the fire department (after asking them not to laugh, and also asking if they really did rescue cats up trees or if that was only in the movies) who told me they couldn't come unless the Humane Society requested them. But the HS wouldn't come so basically, Kitty was screwed.

So I fretted and worried over the next couple of hours. I waited longingly for 3:30 to come so I could go get the kid and run home to check on the cat. Thankfully, by this time, the cat was down from the tree. I do not know how it got down - whether it found its way on its own, or whether a neighbour got it to come down, or whether my strongly worded email to the Humane Society's director did any good. All I know is the kitty is down, and there's no little broken body on the ground.

Oh and I was accosted by a duck as I was helping the kitty. :) For all I know that duck is the reason the cat was up there in the first place.


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