Saturday, April 12, 2008

ACT time

Shannon is taking her ACTs this morning. It feels like a bigger deal these days than it was when I was in high school (For those outside this area, the ACTs are like the SATs.) Of course, when I was in high school I had no plans to go to college so I didn't really care about them. Oh I took the and everything but I didn't try very hard and my results reflected that. What can I say? I was an idiot back then. School wasn't important to me at all and I definitely paid for that line of thinking with years of struggle trying to find my footing.

All I cared about back then was hanging out with my friends. I wasn't a bad student or anything - a B average with the occasional C or a dreaded D once (Math you know. I still suck at it.) I did well in language and arts classes. Not so well in Maths and sciences. And I wasn't a "problem" student either. I only ever ditched once, got caught and learned my lesson.

But looking back, I realize I didn't really take the whole school thing seriously. It was all about getting there and seeing my friends and having fun. It didn't occur to me that you could take it seriously AND have fun. I dunno. I think I chafed a lot at restrictions my parents kept setting on me. Not that I blame them. I caused them a lot of grief. Was always grounded. At that time, my friends were more important to me than getting busted for sneaking out to hang with them.

Anyway, I didn't mean to analyze my high school issues here. But it is interesting to watch Shannon go through high school. I always had some idea that she'd have her fair share of troublesome moments throughout high school. Hell, I had enough people get their rocks off telling me to "just wait until she's a teenager" until I came to almost dread it. I think that sucks because at 16 - three years a teenager - she's still a level-headed, smart girl. Not a podperson in sight. I try to give her opportunities to go out with her friends, but she rarely does. Her friends don't seem to go out much either.

Not that there's much for them to do around here. But they could think of something. I just asked her why she never goes out even though I'd let her and she replied, "Because none of my friends like to go out." I don't know what to make of that. The concept is alien to me.

But I'm not going to complain :) And she takes high school a lot more seriously than I ever did. I'm probably a little to blame for that. I didn't want her making my mistakes and wasting her potential and all those other cliched parental arguments. Because I see now, that my parents were right. I'm not a stupid person and I wasn't stupid in high school either - but I did waste potential and I didn't "apply myself" like I should have. I feel like it took me several years *after* high school to figure out what to do with my life.

Whoa. What an analytical post eh? Anyway, the kidlet just left for the test, all bright-eyed (considering it's a Saturday and she's up earlier than she'd like) and ready. I hope she rocks it :)


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