Thursday, May 12, 2005

What a lovely day

Ok so last year I whinged about having a birthday that went by vastly unnoticed by just about everyone, including the kidlet and while I had already been in a funk at the time, feeling like Samantha from 16 Candles didn't make me feel any better.

Well this year the birthday was smashing. Today was just about perfect and it's so nice to go to bed this evening with just a faint smile on my face. The lovely coworkers were so nice and had cookies and a sign by my desk, my new "Lincoln" family sent a nice card (Thanks Jo!), my sister's wonderful boyfriend out of the blue sent me an Amazon giftcard - I'm also helping him with his website so it's not so weird as it sounds to have someone I've never met send me a giftcard :) - and we had a lovely dinner with the grandparents this evening where we listened to Matt the Cat on my XM thanks to an early bday pressie from Gary, and the night was capped off with a nice long talk with my sister whom I miss very much.

It's been so nice today.

I don't know why I felt so bad last year because frankly when you get older you're not supposed to give a crap about birthdays anymore. So I've been told. But bdays were always special in my family and sometimes a little bit of a fuss made over you is nice.

Anyway, aside from that work today was exciting. Last night we had some very bad weather around here with large hail, high winds and close to 10 inches of rain which wreaked havoc and caused a lot of flooding around GI. The damage was extensive enough to warrant a visit from Governor Heineman, and as you can imagine the newsroom was really busy today out getting stories that will appear in the newspaper tomorrow, and some of which was piped thourhg to our department so they could be put online. Photos came in, some of which I took while I was out doing real estates and got to have them used, some taken by our professional photogs. I got to help get them captioned and online while our web editor busily flitted around adding all of the news items to the website.

It was busy and exciting and fun to watch. I can't explain how much I love working at the paper as opposed to the hospital. I miss my coworkers at the hospital and I miss the site, but it was hard to get new things done for the site, and I'm discovering that the thrill of working on a slew of sites is something I enjoy. I get to keep learning new tricks which is always a bonus.

Anyway, yeah, I'm quite tired now so I'll pop off to bed. Today was just perfect.


At 7:34 AM, Blogger Mose said...

Good on you for having a fine b-day. You deserve it. And my paper today included a picture of the Sycamore Underpass full of water. Pretty amazing. Have a happy day-after-birthday!


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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