Sunday, July 17, 2005

Half-Blood Prince

What a nice weekend we've had. Friday night we had dinner with the Gs, and then we were off to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which was most excellent (hehe, puppet burn center...) and then it was time to head for the midnight Harry Potter release party. Which was fairly lame unfortunately. You can always tell when the business doesn't have their heads into it when the games are lame and the event they've been publicisizing for weeks is unorganized and uninteresting.

Poor Shan tho had some of her fun ruined when she overheard the manager running the whole thing comment to a coworker hat he hated Harry Potter. Sort of deflated the anticipation a bit for her which pissed me off. Next time we'll just show up a half an hour before the release and wait in line for our books. Screw the party.

Oooo it's raining, yay!

Anyway we got our mitts on our copies and headed straight home. Shan's intention was to stay up all night and read but I convnced her she needed her sleep. So we read for a bit and then carried on with it the next day. It was just so lovely to hang out in my room all day reading together. We should really do it more often.

We both finished the book in the evening some time and I, for one, definitely needed kleenex because I was a sobbing mess by the end of the book. No spoilers here though because I don't want to wreck it for anyone who's not as greedy as we are and hasn't read it yet. But I will only say that it was wonderfully awful.

We had a lovely-but-far-too-short lunch with Jo as well. Next time we should do lunch somewhere where they don't mind if you hang around to chat after eating :) Coney Island seemed to need the seating. But it was good to see her and talk for a bit.

Today was spent just hanging out again watching some telly and messing about online. I found this interestingly cool website the other day and we've had a lot of fun with it. You manipulate different bits of ummm, pipes? that make different musical sounds when these pieces of candy flow through them. Sounds weird I know but it defies description. Check it out for yourself.

And with that I'm off to re-read my book and enjoy the rain.


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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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