Monday, June 20, 2005

Ohhh Maddon'!

So I'm on the third season of Soprano's now (thanks Mike!) Joey pants has shown up and looks like he'll be gumming up the works so I'm looking forward to that. I'm really digging the show and I never thought I would.

I'm going to admit something here, and I don't want to hear any collective gasps or cries of disbelief:

I've never seen any of the Godfather movies.

There. I said it. I've never seen those, or Goodfellas or any other "serious" mobster flick. I think the last mafia movie I saw was "Married to the Mob" with Michelle Pfeiffer. It's not really a genre I've been interested in - not something I could identify with. I'm Irish for crying out loud :)

And so I never made any real effort to check out Tony Soprano and his families despite critical acclaim and rave reviews from people I know. I know the DVDs have been out for rent for ages now but I figured, 'Meh.' But then I was made an offer I couldn't refuse (sorry, had to be done) of borrowing all five glorious seasons on DVD and I was not sorry.

It's a fuckin' brilliant show. Full stop. Although I did have to Google 'mobspeak' so that I could understand the lingo. Now I know what a 'Goomah' is and that some gabagool would be quite nice right about now. Since my finances this weekend dictated that I stay home, I watched Season 2 all day and I swear by the end of the day I had that distinctive Jersey twang in my speech :)

Tonight, I just finished the episode where (SPOILER ALERT if you've been under my rock with me and haven't seen the show) Dr. Melfi is raped. It was powerful. At the end when she nearly tells Tony what really happened to her I found myself wanting her to tell him so he'd whack the asshole. And then I was totally taken aback by that. That would be wrong. Of course she can't tell him and use him like that to satisfy her own need for revenge. But the damn show made me actually care about these mafiosos and I wanted Tony to take care of it for Melfi.

I'm still dumbfounded I felt that way. The show ended with her not telling him of course, but I was disappointed by that. And then my conscience said "Woooah there. She did the right thing you eejit."

It was a powerful ep.

I'd go on about it, but my computer's being a bitch and I've had a whole damn day of computer problems at work and I don't wanna mess with this one right now. Gnighty.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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