Thursday, July 07, 2005

Ugly Day

London blasts: death toll rises to 37

What a horrible day. The first thing I heard when I woke up was the news about the attacks in London. My first thought was for my friends and acquaintances there. Everyone's accounted for though so that was a ray of light.

Even managed to get a hold of my lovely ex-boyfriend there (yes I said lovely, it was an amicable breakup :) ) and found he was fine.

Still and all, and I don't mean to place this in comparison with 9/11 but today had the same sort of feel. Almost. I mean, all I wanted to do was watch continual coverage of the aftermath and find my friends but I had to work. And as I went about my day I constantly ran into people who didn't even mention it. I don't mean at the paper because of course there was discussion about it there, but as I was out and about in town. It was like any other day with almost everyone I came into contact with.

I wanted to scream at them that this terrible thing happened.

I did overhear a couple people talking about the attacks as if they were neighbours standing at their fence sharing the latest gossip. One woman said, "I bet it was the Irish."

I sat there dumbfounded that she would say such an ignorant, ridiculous thing. She was another one I wanted to scream at and shake her senseless.

Today was so surreal.

Anyway, my thoughts are with Londoners as they recover from this ugly day.


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