Saturday, August 06, 2005


I feel orange.

Good thing I've redecorated then. Seriously though I've been meaning to redo this place for ages now and since I've been making blogs for work (Captain Wow's Movie Blog of Doom and mine anyway) I figured since I'm on a roll I'd go ahead and do this one while I'm at it.

This is quite a departure for me. I'm sort of a muted, quiet colour person myself (see UKMelia) and so going with the bold orange and retro background was a nailbiter.

But I'm happy with it for now. There may be more tweaking to come as I fine tune it, but anyway, I think it's fun :)

My car's paid off. WOOHOO!!!!!! I'm so chuffed. What a wonderful feeling.

Shannon's all registered for her freshman year... It was quite the setup they had to corral parents and their kids and make it as painless as possible. You walk in, she gets her course schedule; turn in health paperwork; run fast past the 'give us money' section (hey I'm all for supporting the school but it has to be on my pay schedule, not theirs); sign up for clubs (French Club and Astronomy Club for her); get picture taken; pay for a couple weeks' worth of lunches by rude a lunch lady who treated me like I was invisible as I stood before her trying to ask a question - I'm not kidding. The witch just carried on writing on some form as I stood there and asked my question, she didn't answer me, and some other mother came up and she turned to help her and chitchat. I was LIVID. So she got some attitude from me when I forced her to answer my damn question. Grrrr. Finally, I had to give permission for her to be able to get online during the school year.

And now my little girl's all ready. We bought the usual pens and pencils and paper etc. and she had a good time packing it all neatly in her backpack. I always loved doing that too before school began.

And so in a couple weeks she'll take her first big steps towards adulthood. I'm both proud and sad.


At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - tell Shannon that I was president of French Club at GIHS in 1974!


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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