Sunday, November 20, 2005

I wish I knew how to quit you.

I want to see "Brokeback Mountain." I've heard rumblings about the "gay cowboy movie" for a while now but its upcoming release has brought more exposure and promotion for it and the story is enticing.

I found Annie Proulx's short story the movie is based on online the other day and devoured all twenty pages of it. "Haunting" is one word that comes to mind. I've seen two other wonderful movies this weekend but I can't get my mind off Brokeback Mountain.

Check out the trailer. It just grabs me and won't let go. Ang Lee is a force to be reckoned with I think and with the only 'Western' author I truly love, Larry McMurtry cowriting this movie I can't see it not winning awards.

I can see it not coming to Grand Island though. Because of course a controversial topic such as two lonely cowboys falling in love with each other would just be subject to ridicule by the straight guys around here who might feel their masculinity threatened if they admitted they enjoyed this movie.

But this isn't Will & Grace - while I love that show, it does pretty much play to stereotype. Brokeback Mountain transcends just about every gay stereotype you can think of because at the end of the day it's just a simple, tragic love story.

It opens December 9th. If you can, go see it.

On a slightly different topic, I wonder what it is about stories like this that attract women to them. Slash fiction is prevalent on the Net and yet the majority of slash writers are female. It's not the same attraction displayed by men who want to watch two women mudwrestle naked. It's not like that. At least for me. I don't think it's about sex really. More about the.. I dunno, forbiddenness of it. The angst (I love angst), the love stories. I liken it to my same attraction to stories about fallen priests.

I'm weird I know. But anyway Brokeback Mountain looks beautiful and I can't wait for it.


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw it last night, go see it! It's beautiful and sad, but punctuated with moments of humor and poignancy.

The line "I wish I know how to quit you" is probably as close as the characters come to saying "I love you", which makes it all the more heart-wrenching. A must see film.


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