Friday, December 02, 2005

Candy Candy Candy

Sorry if I got the B-52s song stuck in your head with the title there :)

We're off to Lincoln tomorrow to make candy with Aunt Jo :) Should be fun. I've never made chocolate covered cherry mice before.

And the reason we get to go hang out with Jo and family is because the repairs for my car were freeeeeeeeeeee. Ahhhh it was such a lovely moment when the service dude said that the coughcough spluttering was because of some part that had been recalled by the company. So they pick up the cost. W00t! And now my baby purrs like a kitten.

Now I just need to clean her out. I can't figure out how she accumulates so much crap. Let's see... Shannon left a pair of pumps on the floor of the passenger side that don't fit her. I keep telling her to chuck them but she hasn't gotten around to it. I've got my Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy floating around the backseat along with a crushed box of kleenex, some IndyKnow concert flyers I couldn't hand out because one of the bands on it dropped out last minute, my London Underground map brolly, a scarf, a couple of empty water bottles I keep meaning to throw out, Shannon's bike repair kit... ugh too much crap.

Later that evening...

My cat is bouncy. I just spent the past ten minutes on a laughing jag - you know, the kind of laughing where tears stream down your face and in my case, my voice rises about 8 octaves. My sides hurt but man it's worth it.

Shannon got up from the computer chair which normally is Spooky's roost and so when she saw it was vacant she headed straight for it. Well Shan was only going to be up for a few minutes, so she decided to chuck the cat onto the couch. I was leaning over the back of it at the time. Well Spooky didn't ant anything to do with that couch and in a trampoline move worthy of a gymnast, she bounced once and fell perfectly between the couch and the coffeetable. Doesn't sound as funny when I write it out, but there's only about 4 inches of space between the couch and the coffeetable and for her to bounce off the couch and fall in that space without flailing and whapping her head on either stationary object is quite a feat :)

Anyway, laughing jag over. Nearly time for Sex and the City then bed.



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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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