Saturday, March 25, 2006

Panic in GI

Next Friday the paper's launching a big "favourite movie since 1980" contest. I'm suddenly feeling mild to moderate waves of panic that I can't explain. So I thought I'd blog and see if I can't get some sense of order because I feel chaotic.

Elements of the tournament:
A clickable bracket of 64 movies with great breakdowns of each film
Voting is strictly online at
Audio clips of analysis involving two of our paper's high-profile reporters
A printable bracket people can download and fill out for fun
Voting last the entire month of April and a little bit of May
As of Friday, 3 ad sponsors shelling out money to advertise on this thing

Reasons for my panicky, fluttery nerves:
I don't have the bracket image yet and will need to plug in all 64 breakdowns into it on Monday.
I will need to edit a hell of a lot of audio between Tuesday and Thursday
I'm worried the polling software I asked my boss to buy will fail and this whole thing will get fucked up.
I need to be able to quickly set up each day's matchups without being able to know ahead of time what they are.
I have to hope a coworker has time to turn the bracket into a PDF for me.
I think I'm horribly worried I've screwed up somewhere along the way and this won't work.

Aaaaargh the pressure the pressure.

Ok what I can do to get rid of this feeling:
Buy some Calgon and never leave the bathtub.
Get a grip.
Plan for the week and schedule everything as much as possible.
Find out what the seeds will be for the second, third and fourth round of matchups and build the polls ahead of time.
Remember to check the code on the movie page for the voting include. See if it has to be changed with every poll. I think it does.
Audio should be easypeasy if Scott's new toy is used.
Work late See if the Gs will pick up the kid every day this week.
Skip all meetings :) I like this option :)

Ok I'm beginning to feel a little better. It'll all come together. Touch wood nothing breaks.

Ok, Back to Smallville.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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