Saturday, May 27, 2006

Movie Madness

The second night of our Movie Madness viewings is over. Oddly, readers picked Forrest Gump as their favourite movie since 1980, yet we had almost twice the audience for Raiders of the Lost Ark :)

So The Grand had around 200 folks in for FG last night. We gave away Tshirts and boxes of chocolates and we had around 350-ish tonight for Raiders and we gave away gift certificates and fake snakes :) I think tomorrow when we show Shawshank Redemption we're giving away foot-long files and more Tshirts.

On the downside it's been like, a thousand degrees out this weekend. I hate the feckin' heat so much.

I'll be interested to see what our turnout will be tomorrow night. But even if it isn't we can still say the weekend was a success. We worried a little about doing this over Memorial weekend but I'm starting to think it was something of a master stroke. Especially for tomorrow's show since people are off work Monday, they may be more inclined to go out on a Sunday night.

It's actually been Big Screen weekend for the kid and me. The MM stuff and then we went to X3 this afternoon which we really enjoyed. I didn't go into it as a hardcore X-Men comic fan and instead went into it as someone who love the first two. That helped the enjoyment factor for me. I still think X2 was the better movie but I dug seeing more of Storm in action and the premise of a cure for mutants was cool. Actually the more I htink about it the more I wish the film could have been done by Singer because I think he would have done a better job. But as a comic action film it wasn't horrible. I'm betting Mike hates it though.

Anyone out there going to see it, be sure to wait through the credits. There's a brief extra scene (very very brief, but cool.)

Anyway, time to hit the sack. I've got a boatload of Soprano's to catch up on tomorrow.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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