Monday, June 05, 2006

Moviestar Showers

You know when you're watching some TV show or movie and there's an almost obligatory shower scene with some hottie where they're slowly letting rivulets of water pour over their bodies and they just seem to stand under the spray with their eyes closed, perfect cascading hair trailing down their backs (and how they're makeup miraculously stays on)? There's always a full body shot, tastefully done from outside the steamy shower where you can just make out their perky assets in silhouette because of course their shower curtain is clear but fogged up.

I always think to myself, "Who the hell takes a shower like that?" When I take a shower it's always with minimal time to stand in the shower and contemplate life as rivulets of water wash over me. I'm in, I shampoo, I condition, I soap up, I rinse, I get the hell out, towel off and get ready for work.

But tonight, since my AC is dead for the time being I decided to take a cold shower before bed just to get rid of this humid stickiness. Since I had time, I decided to take the moviestar shower. A cold moviestar shower, but a moviestar shower nonetheless.

Well it was fabulous.

Maybe it just felt good to cool off, but I'm telling you it was wonderful to stand there under the spray not thinking about when I need to be out the door and instead thinking about nothing at all except how good the water felt. I posed provacatively under the shower nozzle with my eyes shut as the water ran down my face and neck. I stayed under the spray for some time just enjoying the feel of it. I turned and let it course through my hair. It was lovely and actually relaxing.

Of course I didn't stay in there for an hour or anything. I do need to go to bed :) But I will say that that was one of the more enjoyable showers I've ever had. And now I know why they shower like that in the movies :)

I know. What an odd thing to blog about. I don't care. That was a damn good shower :)


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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