Monday, June 05, 2006

In Cold Blood

Sunday I watched the 1967 movie, "In Cold Blood" followed directly by "Capote" with Phillip Seymour Hoffman. An interesting experience.

I'll admit to not knowing very much about either subject. My impressions of the murders in Holcomb, Kansas are limited to Bill Bryson's comments on it when he traveled through the town. He seemed genuinely shocked to discover the inhabitants of the town (well, the ones he talked to about it were mainly teenagers just off of track practice) barely knew anything about the murders.

Bryson accosted one of the coaches who told him that not long after Capote's book was released the townsfolk hated it and resented how he used them to get his story and the book was never stocked in town or talked about.

Anyway I thought "In Cold Blood" was excellent. Made even more eerie knowing they filmed in the actual Clutter house only a few short years after the murders and bot long after the killers were hanged. The final scene of Perry Smith swinging from the rope was almost terrifying. Mostly because I was sort of shocked to find they still hung people in 1967. In Kansas. Right next door.

Watching Capote right after that was intriguing. Hoffman deserves all the accolades for sure. It was really interesting though to see the same events through his eyes, so to speak.

Fucking hell it's hot in here. My AC conked out again so I'm sitting here just miserable wishing I could kill time before it starts working again by immersing myself in a pool (and not be surrounded by hundreds of screaming, splashing kids who don't seem to care they're invading your minimal amount of personal space.) My dream is to own a house with my own damn pool. Indoor so I could swim year-round. I'll have a little waterfall too along with a slide.


I think I'll go make do with a cold shower.


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