Thursday, August 24, 2006


Gosh I hate running into people I know when I am dressed like the frumpiest frumpy thing ever. Mortifying.

We had to go to the Devil (read: Walmart) tonight to find some trackies and trainers for the kid's gym class. It's feckin' hot out, I don't really want to leave my nice cold place but because she gives me the big, adorable puppydog eyes, I relent - that and I don't want the poor girl to wear borrowed gym clothes from the stash the teachers keep *shudder* That could scar her for life.

So I chuck my hair in a pony with an ugly green scrunchy and throw on my comfy, usually-wouldn't-wear-them-in-public, dirt brown sweats. But I'm only going to walmart which is nearby. We'll be in and out.

But I can't resist the bargain DVD bin. And that's where I find two of my favourite coworkers. *sigh* Of course I'm sure they couldn't really care less about my frumpy attire. They're cool people. It's just different when you know you'll never see your average walmart shopper ever again in your whole life. Then you don't really care.

And I couldn't find a DVD either.

Anyway, my sister and I are working on a new approach to a healthier lifestyle for the both of us. Even though we live 1500 miles apart, through the miracle of the internets we're able to help each other stay motivated. Every night we list off to each other every single thing we've eaten throughout the day. We've both made a pact not to zip through a drive-through just because it's convenient. We're going to share healthy recipes and encourage each other to get out and exercise (though I will, of course, be dressed in a jaunty workout outfit from now on.)

I think the most important component of this plan is the keeping track of what we've eaten. It has the unintentional effect of a little bit of guilt :) And I'd rather put up with some minor guilt than cave and feel even more guilt by going to McD's. Having to account for myself to my sister (who would never embarrass me but would be there to raise the proverbial eyebrow at me) has already stopped me twice now from giving in to temptation.

I'm not yet eating 100% healthily - but I'm more conscious of my choices when I go grocery shopping. I get the whole wheat bread instead of white. Bags of grapes. Lemonade, tea and water instead of soda. I'm preparing stuff at home to have at work instead of running through a drive-thru. I stopped using the excuse of not wanting to cook after working all day.

So I feel pretty good right now. Well apart from my fashion-challenged foray to walmart. But the thing that sometimes gets difficult is I work in a office full of people who bring 'treats' and these treats are never the good for you kind. It's hard to resist on days like that. I've managed so far but man I'd kill for someone to bring in a huge bowl of grapes, strawberries and pineapple chunks instead of summer sausage, cheese and pie.

So anyway, wish me and my sister luck in our endeavour. We're both pretty excited about it.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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