Friday, August 24, 2007


Tonight the kidlet and I watched the original "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" movie, with Kristy Swanson as Buffy and Donald Sutherland as her Watcher. Wow. First of all, the film is so far removed from everything the series became it's almost painful to watch. That's sort of sad to me because I actually kind of like the movie. I remember seeing it when it came out and thinking it was campy, but fun. I mean, Pee Wee Herman as a long-haired vamp? Can't get more campy than that.

Hilary Swank is in it as well, which I'd forgotten. David Arquette, not to mention Luke Perry (damn, forgot how hawt that boy was) and I think I even glimpsed a walk-on appearance by Ben Affleck but I can't be sure... quick alt-tab over to imdb... Yep! He was 'Basketball player #10.' Hehe. So for a cheesy, campy, almost b-movie worthy flick, it had some folk in it who went on to bigger and better. Oh and Rutger Hauer. I mention him last because after seeing him in Ladyhawke, I can't forgive him for this silly, OTT vamp role.

I've read that even though Joss Whedon wrote this BtVS flick, he's not fond of how it turned out. Or something. I'm not sure of the whole story and I can't be bothered to look it up. All I can say is thank goodness he did the TV show. It was a kickass story idea that deserved better.

But I still love the shmoopy little flick anyway :)


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