Sunday, July 29, 2007

Good thing I love the rain

So it's 12:30-ish in the morning and the kid and I are still up having a sort of Angel-a-thon when we hear the rain coming down pretty hard. We both dig on going out in it for no other reason than it's silly and a little whimsical.

Well our whimsy bit us on the ass tonight. We went out to get a little wet, even brought Spooky out though she pretty much stuck to the dry areas, and when it was time to go back inside, I reached for the doorknob, turned it, and realized it was locked.

Yes, we locked ourselves out of the house, in the rain, in the middle of the night. With the cat. Barefoot. In our pajamas.

At first, it was kind of funny. The lock on our door is pretty pathetic actually and I've often thought of asking the landlord to reinforce it somehow. I figured it would be fairly easy to just sort of jimmy it until it popped. Thieves make it look so easy. It doesn't jimmy. It doesn't freakin' budge.

My pride is telling me to just find something wiry on the ground and work it til it pops open. Logic is telling me to just cave and humbly ask our neighbours (the ons who shag all the time on the other side of my bedroom wall) for a coat hangar or possibly a phone. I don't want to call the landlord. It's the middle of the night and he's a cranky fella at the best of times. I can't afford a locksmith. REALLY don't want to call my grampa who has a copy of our key. The thought of waking up an 82 year old to drive across town in the rain just to let us in is extremely unappealing.

So the kid went scavenging around the building for something - anything - that could b used to pop the lock. No joy though. Time is passing, we're both cold and wet and getting a little frantic. So we decide to bite the bullet and ask the neighbours after all. They very graciously allowed Shan to try and call the landlord. And he was very cranky. And in Wisconsin.

So she came back out and we ineffectually twisted the doorknob until our hands were sore. Finally our options were to either call grampa or wait on the patio until morning.

We called grampa. I worried and fretted about our gran being pissed off about it all (grampa wouldn't be mad, I knew. He's so cool. But grammy is a different story.) But he showed up, suspenders on over his pajama shirt and tired eyes, but he was smiling and laughing at us, told us not to worry and let us inside. Spooky was most grateful having spent most of her time outside freaking out and hissing if we got to close to her.

Anyway, I feel like a right eejit. But at least my toes are warming up :)


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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