Thursday, March 27, 2008

Damn Nintendo

Why the feck is it so damn hard to buy a Wii? I understand the whole supply and demand thing, but I figured it's well past Christmas now, shouldn't the flow of Wii's produced be back to normal? Is it really THAT COOL of a machine that Nintendo can't keep up with demand?

None of the stores I called in this town seem to know when or if they're going to be getting any. Why is it so secret? What kind of store doesn't know what kind of inventory is coming in a shipment? Seems ridiculous to me.

Ignore me. I'm just frustrated that I can't find one within a 50 mile radius AND I can't find any of the bastards online either unless I want to pay WAY above retail and yeah, that's not going to happen. People who do that are stupid. (Hopefully none of my friends or relatives have done this otherwise I will feel bad for calling them stupid.) Yeah, the kid and I really want to buy one, and we have the funds to get it, but we feel like we're standing in a store waving our money around but no one will take it.

It's weird.


At 10:40 AM, Blogger Hannah said...

You'll have good luck on Ebay. Tony got one for about 225 there. I think people just go and buy all of them when they come in (so they keep it a secret) and then sell them on Ebay. It's kind of silly that Tony got it for less than retail value, but it was way before Christmas and maybe that seller had a whole bunch... I don't know. Give it a try.


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