Wednesday, April 09, 2003

So I typo'd on an article on my work website. Now I feel like shite, and have done nothing but make myself look like an ass all day today. I wish I could go home, rewind and start this day over again.

First, I got a call from my boss saying that he got a nasty email from a department that *my* department is not fond of saying there were errors in their article I posted for them about a raffle. Well fuck me, I took a look and what do you know. I left a 'd', and 'c' out of a couple of words, and put an apostrophe in the wrong place (though, to be fair, it was a proper name of a place and I thought there actually was an apostrophe in the name. But I was wrong.) But before I looked I told my boss that I thought I'd cut and pasted the information from stuff they'd given me, which is what I normally do. I shouldn't have done that. I should have looked first. Because now he's sent them a message saying that the errors must have come from them. Which of course, they denied and got huffy about. So not only did I make myself look dumb, I just made my boss look dumb in front of the one person he does not get on well with in our organization.

Then I had to do some damage control and explain that yes, the errors were my fault, I apologised and explained that I did cut and paste some of it, while some of it I had to type myself because the poster/flyer they gave me was too large to shrink and still be readable.

Oi. On top of that mess, I missed a conference call yesterday because I thought it was happening today. This was after I emailed the host of the call to say I'd be there for it today. *sigh* I want a rock to crawl under please. I think I will lock my office door and just hole up in here for the rest of the day.


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