Saturday, July 19, 2003

Lately online I've been feeling ignored. So many times I'll post something on some forum, or say something on TCZ only to hear cricket noises as I wait for a response. It's kind of disconcerting. I can kind of understand it on a forum, especially one where I'm not very well known - I'm more of a lurker than a joiner - but on TCZ it bothers me. I'm an administrator there, supposedly part of a team, but lately my ideas and suggestions on current issues are ignored or barely considered before being dismissed and even if I just ask some inane question or crack a joke on the admin chat channel, it's like I'm not there.

Oh well. I'm way too dependent on TCZ anyway. Maybe I should retire. But everytime I think about it, I realise there are so many aspects of being an admin I'd miss. Ugh, I have a headache. Whinging about TCZ isn't helping. I just feel like whinging full stop. What else can I moan about.... There's always my granny. She's so bizarre. In fact, my grandfather came to see me at work yesterday and I actually said 'She's whacked!' to him. The scary thing is, he said, 'Tell me about it!' That floored me :) Her current obsession of the moment is to get their house "in order" in case one of them (my grandfather) passes away. The morbidity of that aside, she's been wigging out lately because my grampa has a habit of saving bits of wood, siding, carpet etc from past home improvement projects by storing them in the basement. And he's squirreled away some of it on top of the ventilation system down there. Well she's been after him to get it all down and out of the house for months now. I swear it's the only thing she can physically talk about until it's done.

Well, grampa has no need to be monkeying up and down a ladder to get all this stuff down so I said I would come by today and do it. Little did I know that I would be stricken with a particularly horrible set of cramps all night long and this morning. Ugh it was awful. Could not even stand up straight. Totally sucks because I used to be able to brag that I never got them - and I didn't - so now it must be payback because I get 'em now with a vengeance. Anyway, too much info I know :) So I called them and said I'd be over later than I'd intended so I could rest a bit. I finally show up, piss off granny even more when I ask if we can tackle the stuff in the garage when it's cooler (beastly hot today) to which she said I should have come earlier that morning when it *was* cooler. I then replied that she was lucky I was there to help at all and proceeded to tell her I could barely stand up straight much less climb ladders in a basement all afternoon. Anyway, I made her feel bad then which made me feel bad, but you know, I was bitchy and all. Anyway I told her it was ok, I had taken some motrin and felt up to it etc etc and disappeared down the basement with my grampa.

As I looked around the basement ceiling and the plethora of junk my gran had been moaning about these past months I was shocked to discover that there werre a few slats of siding, one chuck of carpeting, 3 squares of glass and some old screening wire. That's it. Took all of five minutes to get it all down.

Aye-yi-yi, to quote Ricky Ricardo.


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