Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Ahhh my god this new computer is bloody fast. And I have to say the flat panel monitor is awesome. Really nice clarity. The only drawback is I have to re-download all my programs I had on my old one. See, I was told by our illustrious IS department that my old comp was so slow and old. We've been converting the hospital to Dells and mine was still an old Gateway. So I asked my boss to stick me on a list for a new computer and I figured I wouldn't hear another word about it for another year. The wheels grind ever so slowly around here you see. a mere 3 weeks later I've got a new puter :) It's spanky. I managed to move my vital files onto my network so I didn't lose all of that but half my programs are freebies downloaded from the net, or registered copies I downloaded. So it's been tedious getting everything put back, especially since I will not have admin privs after one of the geeks comes to put Norton antivirus on here. I guess he's a real nazi about not letting us peons have the ability to download stuff.

I wouldn't normally be bothered by it, but 99.9% of my job is online and sometimes requires the odd download of a new program now and then in order for me to be able to get my work done. Now I will have to submit work orders for someone up there to come down, download and install for me, wasting their time and mine. Corporations are fun!

Friday night is going to be a big night for the kidlet. One of the bookshops in town is doing a midnight release party for Harry Potter 5 and I'm going to take her. She's beside herself with excitement. We're going to buy 2 copies of the book so we can read it together. But I bet she finishes before me. To be quite honest, I'm kind of looking forward to it myself. JK Rowling is my hero - single mum makes good, you know, that kind of thing. There are quite a few Potter freaks here at work and we'r going to meet up at the party, should be a good time. I just have to resist buying movies while I kill tim til midnight (it's a video/music/bookstore). I'm at the point where I could hang a sign out and rent videos myself. The problem is a couple video stores in town closed down and are selling all their video for like, $3-$5 each and I've found about 8 I just couldn't live without. *sigh* So in my collection I'm up to 166 VHS vids and 42 DVDs. Give or take the ones I didn't inventory because they were just kiddie cartoons or recorded from television.

Hmm. With this uber-cool monitor, my background kind of looks shit on the movie site. Have to fix that after the geeks come install my new Photoshop proggie. *sigh*


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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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