Tuesday, July 08, 2003

So I've got a vague story idea I'm kind of excited about. The only problem is that the more I think about it, the more I begin to talk myself out of writing it. Things like 'No one's going to be interested in that' and 'who the hell cares about that?' dance through my head. Gotta love that self-doubt before I actually write the story. Well.. if anyone cares, the story idea is on my Evolve blog. Leave me a comment or something if you think it's something you'd ever check out.

Anyway... So it's July. Hottest fecking month of the year apart from August. I'm not one of those that exactly love the heat either so you can iomagine what torture Nebraska summers are for me. I scurry from one air-conditioned place to another as quick as I can, and spend as little time as possible outside. The only respite I find outside is when we hit the pool. It's not so much the heat as it is the humidity, which is a killer.

I try to find positive things about living in Nebraska, I really do. I'm stuck here for who knows how long for various reasons, so I want to try to find a way to be happy here but this place does not make it easy. Let's see... I love my job and the people there. I like swimming at the Waterpark.


I honestly can't think of anything else. We have "cultural" things. We have an Ethnic Festival (outdoors, in July, the aforementioned hottest month of the year) in which a bunch of hispanic people cook hispanic food and some old people don leiderhosen and kilts and do a native dance of some kind. And we have Art in the Park where mediocre artists gather to show off their watercolours of flowers and butterflies. It's not as bad as all that but again, it's in feckin' July. WHY??

There's a museum here all about the Pioneers and there's an 'Old Town' with real houses and stores leftover from the days of the cowboys. I went there on ever bloody field trip you can imagine when I lived here as a kid.

The ratio of restaurants to actual population is outrageous. If there's construction in town it's to build another one. Or an auto parts store.

Did I mention it's hot? It's fucking hot. Hotter than hot. It's damn hot. And then we get 2 days of a lovely autumn, and then it's a deep-freeze in the winter. Then it's cold. Fucking cold. Colder than cold. it's damn cold. And the scenery. Well, if you're a fan of flat cornfields, then this is the place for you. My new thing now when someone asks me what Nebby is like is to tell them to go rent 'About Schmidt' with jack Nicholson. That is Nebraska. Depressing.

Wow what a rant. Anyway enough of that :)


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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at cherrypopmcgee.com

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