Sunday, June 06, 2004

Aww bless 'im

I think someone's got a crush on me. It's quite amusing really, because it's like reliving third grade all over again. Always nice to revisit childhood :) He picks on me on TCZ, and I swear if he weren't 5000 miles away he'd be sitting behind me, pulling my hair and knocking my schoolbooks out of my arms in a desperate plea for attention. It's almost sweet in a sad, pathetic kind of way.

But who cares. The kid and I have been to Harry Potter three times now. We're quite sad and pathetic ourselves, but again, who cares :) We loved every minute of it. I think that will be all though until the DVD comes out. I do tend to tire of films if I watch them too many times close together. Now that my curiosity for the film is slaked, I'll have a nice long break, and then it will be like seeing it new on DVD. Cuaron really did well with his first venture as director. I enjoyed what he did with the franchise very much.

So apart from that the weekend was really quite hellish. Friday was the garage sale in hot humid weather with my gran whinging the whole time about a pain in the heel of her foot that prevented her from helping out. I found out I had to chip in for the ad for this sale - an ad that didn't list anything of mine and that I didn't know I'd be chipping in for until it was time to divvy up the take for the day. I made a whopping $8.75 which put me in the hole because my share of the ad was just over $11. Meanwhile the cousin and the Gs made over $200 each. I love my family. I love my family. I love my family.

Then the next day I had to go and work healthfest for 6 hours. Had to be there by 7am to set up my booth and then spent the next 6 hours pretty much just directing traffic. The kid and her friend wanted to go swimming after so I dropped them off and came home and collapsed. I was hot, exhausted, sleepy, tired... The phone rings and it's my gran wondering why I didn't come back to the sale to pick up the stuff that didn't sell. I tried to explain that I was really knackered and could I just come the next day (today actually) and pick it up then. I really didn't see the harm in the few things I had left sitting harmlessly in a corner of the garage for one lousy night. But no. My gran says 'well we're tired too and I would like it if you came to pick this stuff up, then it's out of our hair and we can rest.' As if some things sitting in the garage are a gigantic burden and they cannot sit down to rest until they're gone. And as if my gran hadn't sat on her butt the entire sale telling everyone what to do because her foot hurt too much to help out.

So I stormed up there, picked up the things and she still had the nerve to act as if I was being unreasonable about being angry at having to get dressed, put my shoes back on, drive all the way across town, pick up my meagre belongings and drive all the way back across town and chuck that stuff in the dumpster. Honestly I thought when the sale was over everything left was going off to Goodwill.

Anyway, . But that's probably why I've been in a foul mood most of the weekend, and probably why I let the twiggy eejit on TCZ bother me so much. Normally I'm quite capable of rolling my eyes at the immaturity of others and getting on with my life, but sometimes, when that immaturity becomes malicious and seems totally without reason or provocation, I get mad.

But I reckon some Colin Firth and Rickman should cheer me up. Off I go.


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