Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Blogging from bed

So this is new.

After months of wanting to whine but not feeling like I have a right to whine so I kept it inside as much as I could, I got my new 'puter from work and it's a shiny laptop. It's a shiny, lovely, wireless, spanky, gorgeous, I'm-in-love-with-it laptop and it was very much worth the wait.

The day I got it I went out and bought a wireless router and spent 3 days trying to configure that so that one day, I could be online while snuggled up in bed. Finally worked it out and so here I am :) It's a real novelty let me tell you. When I first got my own computer for the home, it was 1995-ish and I'd just discovered this new thing called the Internet, was going to college etc. etc. and of course it was a desktop which I hooked up in the living room. My computers since then have all been desktops and all out in the living room or desktops at work. I've never experienced the joy of portable interneting.

I feckin' love it though. Last week I wrote my column in bed à la Carrie Bradshaw. It rocked.

The kid's loving it too because this means she doesn't have to fight me for internet time. Though now we do fight over the laptop. It is rather nice to use I'll admit. I don't know why I never wanted to get one before - whenever it came time to buy a new computer I always felt... I dunno, safer with a desktop which these days is just plain silly. Maybe I felt like I wouldn't be able to do all the things I want to do without a desktop. However, this baby is about a thousand times better than my current desktop so I don't know what I was thinking.

Enough gushing about the laptop. What's been going on lately seeing as how I've not been able to blog for a while... My poor host's server finally died on him and it happened to be the server most of my sites are on so I was down for almost a week and wouldn't you know it happened just when "24" premiered so I had frantic Kieferettes wigging out about the forum and I was unable to do my show recaps in a more timely fashion and now I'm just procrastinating on them. The show started off with 4 episodes in two days and combine that with having to meet deadline on my column and the server downtime well, I just have to sit down and catch up. Probably this weekend.

My sister's on her way to GI right now, driving in from Cali. Moving to D.C. to hopefully begin a meaningful career in politics *smirk*. I smirk at the idea of a meaningful career in politics, not my sister's venture. I hope for the best for her and wish I still had the courage to pick up and move across the country to start a new life. I had my chance I think when I upped sticks and moved to England. I like to think that if it wasn't for the stupid immigration laws I could have made it work too. But alas. Now Je suis stuck in Nebraska, probably for a good long while yet and I'm resigned to it. Having a great job helps though. I find myself feeling more tolerant of life here than I used to feel.

But yeah, looking forward to seeing Kelly. It's been a good long while since we've seen her and after this visit it will probably be another long while before we see her again. Though I don't think the drive from here to D.C. is all that bad and if we can stay with her I'm sure I could work out a trip to see her. I've never been to D.C. before and would like to check it out. I know the kid would enjoy it as well.

But biodad would like us to travel towards his neck of the woods at some point. There's talk of meeting halfway around Mount Rushmore and hanging out up there some time which would be great. I'd love to spend more time getting to know Nora my new-found half-sister. I've only met her once and it was during my first meeting with Gary as well so we were all a little shy that night I think. I'm over that now with Gary at least so hopefully hanging with Nora would go a little better. She just sounds like a fabulous person from everything Gary tells me about her.

Hmmmm digging the being in bed and blogging thing because I don't want to stop writing even though I don't have much to say. I'll just carry on rambling.

Today at work Tonya and I were discussing the issue of blogging and privacy concerns. I think she was looking at a poll somewhere that asked if people felt blogging was somehow an invasion of privacy. Or something. I think I mentioned my friend Corey's blog where he talked about a journalist who was fired because of the things he wrote in his blog about his job.

That was a bit scary but then again if you're going to rag on your employers on such a public place then you're sort of asking for it. I don't see what's wrong with having a private blog so long as you exercise caution and common sense in the things you write about. I'd never use this blog as a place to bitch about my job (not that I have anything to bitch about mind you :) I can talk about personal things but it's always in the back of my mind that people might actually read this and so the things that I don't want made public tend to stay in my head :)

I can see how someonee from our office who has more of a public face should be wary of writing a personal blog - a reporter for instance. Gary has a blog now but I don't think he'd use it to write anything more personal than his running jaunts. He's an editor at a newspaper. Can you imagine what would happen if he wrote about his personal life online and readers of is paper got a hold of it? Especially if he wrote about sensitive stuff.

So yeah, I can see why this reporter was fired over is blog.

Anyway I could go on about that but I just lost my train of thought and I'm now getting sleepy. I guess I'll sign off. But now tat I can do this from bed, I bet I blog a lot more now :) Good news for the one or two of you who read me! :)


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at cherrypopmcgee.com

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