Thursday, January 20, 2005

XM Radio's Matt the Cat Rocks!

Aaaaand Kelly's on her way East. It was so lovely to see her again. I always forget how much I miss her until I get to see her. We have our limits though, as sisters do. Usually we last about 4 or 5 days before we start to annoy each other and a few claws come out :) But it's normal and we can laugh about it.

This time her visit was all to short and I find myself wishing she could have stayed a bit longer.

The kidlet really enjoyed seeing her again as well and I think we're going to need to make a trip out to see her. I wish it was just a case of finding the time but no, of course it's also a case of finding the money. But I don't want to write about money. I'm sick of talking about money. But anyway, yeah definitely want to go see her out there very soon, mabe once she's settled in and back to some semblance of stability.

Anyway, my lovely best friend is letting Kelly crash at their place in Indiana tonight, I just hope Kat won't kill me because I forgot to mention Lacey the very old and cranky cat travelling with Kelly. But Kat's so great.

Okay in between the last paragraph and tis one a few cool things have happened. I'll give a bit of backstory first though:

Before Kelly arrived here she was tooling along in Wyoming, listening to Matt the Cat's 50s show on XM radio and she decided to call in a request. Well because my sister can talk your ear off, she got into a long convo with Matt the Cat and told him she was currently driving across country, with everything she owns and one cranky cat to start a new life in D.C.

Well Matt seemed very taken with the idea and proclaimed that Kelly is carrying out the American dream. Soon after the convo was over Kelly rang me and replayed the whole thing. We agreed it was really cool and giggled about it. Soon after she was here and we went on to other things.

So as you know Kelly left today and I'm all sniffly about it. Several hours later she's outside Des Moines and calling me to play more XM radio for me because apparently Matt the Cat is doing "Kelly Updates" :) and plaing really cheesy music in the background as he lets listeners know where she is on her trip and how she's doing. Apparently he started getting emails and calls from listeners wishing her luck and safe travels.

Isn't that fecking cool? It made Kelly cry and I feel somewhat better knowing a load of people are sending good thoughts her way.

So should Matt the Cat ever read this - thanks for looking out for my sister :) You rock!

>>>Edited to add a little email exchange I had with the DJ himself:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:04 PM
Subject: Matt the Cat Re: Kelly Updates

Hi Matt the Cat!

My sister just called me to play me a clip of the Kelly Updates you're doing as she makes her way across country to move to D.C.

Well, Kelly happens to be my sister and I just wanted to say a huge thank you for doing that and getting all the well-wishes for her as she makes her trek. It brought a huge smile to my face which I needed because she left my house earlier this afternoon (in Nebraska) and I miss her already.

So if you happen to do another update before she hits Chicago, would you tell her that Stephanie and Shannon love and miss her and wish her much luck in D.C. and maybe play a Bobby Darin song for her?

Thanks again!

P.S. If you could play a few cat sounds for the cranky cat that would be awesome too :)

Matt the Cat's reply:

Hey Stephanie,

I just sent out your well wishes across the country to Kelly. That's so amazing how radio can bring people together. Thanks so much for your email. I told Kelly that if she ever needs anything or advice to let me know. I moved to DC 3 years ago from Boston, not knowing a soul and I know how it can be.

Thanks again,
Matt The Cat

This is so much fun! It really is amazing how radio (and the 'net) can bring people together :) Kelly called me not long after I got this email and played me the message. I got all sniffly again :)


At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,
Everytime I hear the Jimmy Dean song "Big Bad John" I think of when it first came out and the FCC made him record the version you guys play. Can't you get the original version that says "At the bottom of this mine lies one hell of a man? Sure would make sense to stick it back to the man.



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