Friday, May 13, 2005

Star Wars

Okay I'm a geek. I've never denied it. I'm like a lower-level geek though, because there are higher levels of Geekdom that I know I'll never reach.

I will never be able to write code. I once took a Visual Basic class in college and it just about made me want to drop out because no one wants to feel that stupid and actually pay for the privilege.

I'll never be a regular reader of slashdot. I keep checking it out whenever a true geek mentions it and I go cross-eyed and bored soon after I load the website.

I actually kind of like Bill Gates and Microsoft products.

And I will never be able to tell the difference between an A-Wing starfighter and a B-wing starfighter.

But that doesn't matter because I love Star Wars anyway. And today one of the reporters at work asked me - since a lot of us from the paper are going to the midnight premiere of the final Star Wars coming out next week - if I'd like to write a column about it. If I could have gotten away with shouting "WOULD I???!!!" at him, I would have :)

If I understood him right, they're putting together a little Star Wars section for the paper and some of the other people going to the midnight show are contributing, and so I'm completely over the moon that I get to as well. I don't think Mike has any idea how much I love, and am continually grateful for the chance to write for the paper. So when he asked me it was all I could do to stop myself turning cartwheels out the door when I left for the day.

And so now of course my mind is wigging out and I have to think of an angle. I could do a straight review of Revenge of the Sith I suppose. Sounds kind of dull though. Although it seems to me on my travels around the Net that reviews of fanboy movies like Star Wars by females are few and far between. Maybe that's my angle. Star Wars according to a girl.

Meh. Seems dull as well. I'm taking Shan to the show and she's relatively new to the franchise. I could blather on about her reactions to it. But that doesn't seem like it would fill 15 - 20 inches of column space either.

Well, this weekend we are having a marathon of the other 5 movies. Maybe an idea for an angle will occur to me during that. If any of you reading this have any ideas, let me know :)


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