Friday, June 10, 2005

Bless me blogger...

I don't know what it is, I don't know why I'm fixated on it, but the whole fallen priest theme fascinates me. Maybe because it's a little bit wrong to find that particular theme attractive. Maybe it's the whole forbidden thing, or even the obligatory angst (and we all know how I feel about the angst) that theme presents. I don't know. Damn Thorn Birds.

Father Ralph

So I'm watching The Sopranos (Thanks Mike!) for the first time ever (hey I don't have HBO. Blow me.) last night, mostly because of course it's one of those shows that's become ingrained into American culture and I'm continuing my habit of getting into a series a few years after it begins. Of course it's great show and after 5 episodes I can safely say I'm hooked (Argh, thanks Mike.) Of course episode 5 of the first season features Carmela and Father Phil getting just a little too cozy.

Father Phil

I loved it. I hope there's more of that in the series because - and I might just be a little twisted - I dig on that quite a lot. I could wax on about the whole evil Eve tempting Adam causing his downfall and so women are forever punished because of that, or seen as wicked seductresses, and because that pisses me off, I want to see the holy man fail the test.

That's the first thing that comes to mind. The other thing is that it's just hot. Hot hot hot. Blasphemous? Probably. Will I burn in hell? If there is a hell, I'll have a window seat please because I think I'll always be interested in the theme.

I think I do blame Thorn Birds for the fixation on it. It's really quite an epic struggle between a man and his God and his belief that he's something more than a man and to give in to temptation would burst that bubble. Very interesting.

Anyway, enough blather, just had to get all that out.

Gunt, I dig the audio blogs btw :) Were they difficult to do?


At 5:55 PM, Blogger Günter said...

Thanks! Glad you're liking The Sopranos. I really enjoy the show, so every time someone tells me they've discovered it I feel this sense of satisfaction, as if I were the creator.

No, audioblogging's ridiculously easy. Here's the site.

Have you seen the audio posts since I consolidated them? It's better now, at least aesthetically.



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