Friday, August 12, 2005

A vivid dream

I've just had the most vivid dream and I want to get it down before I forget.

I was an unwilling accomplice to a gruesome murder in some kind of old victorian type house. Very brutal and I think it was the home's caretaker. Suddenly I found myself holding a black sweater and standing in a line with very unsavoury types in an outdoor place surrounded by disgusting, stinking swampy water. At the head of the line was a sort of 'processor' to whom the people/things in line had to answer to for their crimes. The processor was a weird beast of some kind sitting at a table and they didn't seem to know all the details of your crime, just that you were involved with one.

So what I gathered as I stood bewildered in line was that you had to convince the processor that you had nothing to do with it. If you successfully snowed him/it, you were given a white sweater and sent back to wherever you were.

Evidently I snowed him/it so I got my white sweater and was sent back along this weird, tiled and long hallway. Tile was a mix of weird green and yellow, smallish tiles. Anyway back in the house the evidence of the crime was still there. The caretaker was stuffed in pieces in a large sink and I was trying to stuff him down the drain to hide the evidence. I was really upset, I hadn't killed the man but for some reason I was made to cover up the crime scene. There was dirt involved but the dream's getting fuzzy now.

Before I forget it all, the final bit before I woke up was that I suddenly misplaced my white sweater and ran back along that tiled hallway to find it. Only I ended up back in that weird swamp holding the black sweater and the processors were more menacing this time and nothing I said was convincing them that I didn't kill the caretaker. If you didn't convince them something terrible happened to you but I'm not sure what - I want to say that you were "sentenced" to an even more disgusting area of this bizarre 'world.' Maybe it was supposed to represent hell or something. I don't know. It was about this time that I woke up.

Sounds nightmareish eh? Well You would think. But I didn't wake up freaked out. I woke thinking this would make a great story if I could stretch it out. So here I am blogging at 6:45am and now I'm going to be late for work.


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