Sunday, August 07, 2005

Weekend's Over

It's been a quiet weekend. I checked out a couple of movies I'd been wanting to see. Been ages since I've been to the video store. Anyway, I watched 'Alexander' and 'Constantine' and of the two, I liked Constantine more.

Not that Alexander was bad mind you. It was all right. Good acting, big fights etc. I think my problem with it was just that I'm not familiar enough with that part of history and mythology to understand some of the references. A downfall of mine as I do like that sort of thing. I've just never made much of an effort to educate myself on it. And so the movie had little meaning for me and I found myself looking at the clock now and then (it's fairly long.) I think I would have enjoyed it more, ironically, if Stone had focused on A's bisexuality a little more instead of the same old battle scenes we see in all of these 'epics.' I say that's ironic because I've read that he released this director's cut that didn't include much of the bisexuality angle due to pressure from ummm. small-minded people. I guess. Something like that anyway.

Constantine though was good. A very cool concept of an embattled and semi-bitter demon hunter trying to get back in God's good graces by ridding the world of these demons only to find that he's going to die of cancer soon and will be sent to hell to be amongst the very demons he sent there.

Yes Keanu is the star, and I think he gets unfairly stuck even now with his Bill & Ted past, but he can be good when he wants to be. Speed was good. Much Ado About Nothing was good. And so was this.

So Constantine - good. Alexander - Okay.

The rest of the weekend was spent watching some Firefly to gear up for the release of 'Serenity' on September 30th. CanNOT wait for that. Saw a trailer for another movie I'd like to see called 'Hooligans' (or I think it's been renamed to 'Green Street' or something. I'm not sure.) Elijah Wood's in it as a yank who goes to Engerland and gets caught up in football hooliganism.

But I bet it's a damn Indie film and will never show up in this town :(

And now I'm watching Deep Impact on telly which is silly because I have the movie and could enjoy it sans commercials. I do that a lot though. Find some movie on and just let it run in the background while I do other things. Has to do with my weird need to have some noise going all the time. I don't like the quiet.

Aaaand I'm just rambling now. Always a sign to shutup :)


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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