Saturday, December 03, 2005

No Candy For You

Stupid snow.

We made it as far as the new I80 exit before I drove right off the curve and into a ditch.

Today's 4-6 inches came down in gorgeous, fluffy flakes. The kind of snow that's beautiful to watch and if you go out in it, it muffles any sound and produces an eery quiet. Shan and I wwoke up early and did the morning things to get ready and I decided we'd try to go to Lincoln anyway on the chance that once we got on the interstate it wouldn't be as hard to see.

Well that was stupid of me. Nothing had been plowed yet and since it's early morning on a weekend, there weren't many cars out to create paths and dirty up the snow so that you could at least manage to guess where the road actually was. And when I hit the big curve I thought I was following the road marker poles just fine as I took the corner. But because visibility was crap, I misjudged where they were and just casually drove off the road and got us stuck in a ditch.

Just great.

So I try to rock the car our and pretty much end up sliding further down the hill. It's too steep to even think about getting my car up the hill without a tow. The thought of calling a tow and paying for that makes my skin crawl. Shannon offers to push the car but I'm reluctant because it's dangerous and I don't want her to get hurt. Suddenly out of nowhere this huge, lovely, gorgeous man trudges up and says to try backing up and he'll push. We give it a go, but it's useless. It's just too steep.

Then another man with a truck stops. He's tattooed and has earrings in both ears, but he's got a tow cable and fuck me if those two strangers didn't work together as a cohesive unit to drag my sorry ass out of that ditch. They had to stop 3 times to lift the cable over those damn marker poles but eventually we were free, and as quick as you please they gathered up their cable and headed back to their respective cars before I could get names or thank them properly. If I could write a letter to the editor, I'd thank those two guys who stopped to help a stupid chick who thought she'd make it to Lincoln in her little black car during a heavy snow.

Needless to say, I made it onto the interstate and took the next exit back home. I'm disappointed we couldn't go see Jo and Hannah and Tom but they invited us for next weekend so that's cool. It better not fecking snow. Not even mid-December yet and I'm tired of it already.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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