Saturday, September 09, 2006


Got home from work last night to a letter from my landlord letting me know they "are aware I have a cat" and that I must "remove the animal immediately" and that this letter serves "as the only warning I will receive."

Fucking plumber narc. Tuesday night he shows up unannounced declaring the apartment below me has a leak in their bathroom and he proceeds to barge into my bedroom and into my closet without, you know, asking if it's okay. In the process of this intrusion, he sees Spooky, even says hello to her and remarks how much she looks like his cat.

Thursday my landlord drafts this letter and I received it Friday. Of course I spend the evening in tears at the thought of having to give up this cat who's been a part of my family for 7 years (and who, incidentally, has lived in this apartment for those 7 years without the landlord saying anything. In fact, many tenants in this complex have a pet.)

I'm not blaming the landlord mind you. She's just enforcing the lease (after 7 years.) I'm perfectly aware that it was my decision to have Spooky anyway (after noting several of my neighbours have cats and small dogs.)

I'm hoping against hope that my dear cousin will take her in temporarily while I get serious about moving out of this place. I haven't asked him yet and I have a feeling he's going to say no, after all he's already got 8 cats himself (don't freak out, he and his better half own a huge house and take excellent care of all of them. They're great kitties.) But he's pretty much my only hope. There's just absolutely no way I will give Spooky to strangers or the Humane Society.

Shannon is gutted and currently curled up on my bed with her right now while Spooky tolerantly allows her to cuddle.

Anyway, I don't know how this works. I'm half-expecting my landlord to show up at the door today to check I got rid of her. She's going to have to suck it though. If I have to comply (and I know I do) I hope she can show she has a heart and at least give me some time to work out something satisfactory that doesn't involve my daughter crying crocodile tears at the thought of losing Spooky.


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