Sunday, June 24, 2007

Montana Redux

Well that was a bit of a break between now and the last post. I have no excuse other than general business.

We're in Montana again. We arrived here ummmm... very very late Thursday night (well, Friday morning more like) after spending 17 hours in a Highlander. That was quite the adventure :) but luckily our traveling companions all rock so it wasn't too bad. We hung out Friday morning in Great Falls before piling everything and everyone up in a couple of cars and heading up to the cabin in Lincoln, MT.

We are really just sort of relaxing and hanging out up here - meandering into town for mochas or heading down to the Blackfoot to wade while Gary and Hannah flyfish. The Blackfoots is the river written about in 'A River Runs Through It.' Oddly though, the water in the Blackfoot was completely tolerable for wading as opposed to Spring Creek outside the cabin which makes my feet ache it's so cold.

Weather's been just lovely. Not too hot, a bit chilly in the morning and at night so it's a good thing we've been doing the campfire thang :)

Jo completely demolished the old fire pit and rebuilt a new one several feet away because it was decided that the old one was just a wee bit too close to the very flammable trees for comfort.

So many a marshmallow was had by all - well by all those who like flaming marshmallows.

The first pic is pretty much everyone that's here. Let's see - it's quite a crowd this time - Jo and Tom, Gary, Nora, Gunter and Beca, Hannah, Shannon and me.

I think Shannon and I might go back to Great Falls tonight though and hang out there until Jo and Tom come back from the Cabin Thursday. Gunter, Beca and Hannah are heading back to Nebby on Tuesday, but then Gary's best friend Swi arrives in GF Wednesday for the wedding which will be Friday.

I think it would be cool to tool around GF for a couple of days, just me and the kid (Gary will be working I believe) and we can look for a nice wedding pressie for Gary and Charlotte.

Anyway, Shannon's waiting impatiently for me to finish so we can go get our mochas. More later!

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At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one looks terribly excited about those marshmellows...that is inaccurate--we were terribly excited about those marshmellows.



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