Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Placebo Postponed

Deep heavy sigh. Yesterday should have been stellar and instead it was most crappy. Cute new hairdo for the Placebo gig, then 30 miles outside town on I80, my tire blows. Bigtime blows - like pieces of it left all over the road. Fortunately, a super friendly state patrol dude helped me get the spare put on so I could limp into York and spend money I shouldn't spend on a whole new tire.

So that had to be the One Bad Thing that happens right? Wrong. Arrive Omaha. Meet Placebo Street Teamer who informs us the show is postponed. Brian's ill and in hospital with the flu or something. Bad for him, bad for us and I just felt crushing disappointment followed by guilt for being selfish.

Placebo hardly every cancel gigs if they can help it. They're very good to the fans but damnit, why'd it have to be MY show? I think because of the problems we had getting TO the show just made it worse really. I was already grumpy about having to buy the tire knowing payday's over a week away, and I was having a good hair day and everything.

So we drove back to Lincoln and stopped at Jo's because we wanted to at least say hello since she and Tom were nice enough to offer a place to crash after the show and I felt bad because all I wanted to do was go home and be grumpy. But we had a nice visit, helped with Jo's new iPod a little and had some delicious soup.

So today I'm enjoying a lovely migraine to go with my churlishness. Pennance I suppose. Bright side of things is at least we'll still get to see Placebo, just don't know when yet. They're going to reschedule. Anyway, hope Brian feels better and when they do come back it better be a hell of a show.

My gran and sister reminded me of the time my dad bought us all tickets to go see David Copperfield in Lincoln as a Christmas present. We all got dressed up, piled in the Honda and drove the 4 or 5 hours to Lincs, had a lovely dinner at Misty's only to find out the show was cancelled.

It was very disappointing. But I don't like thinking about that because it was on the way home from that that Dad got sick. A few days later he was dead. Not a nice memory to dredge up. I wonder if thinking about that and the similarity to the Placebo show getting called off is why I feel so weird about it. I feel really sad about the show and I shouldn't really. There's no need to be this upset about it, it's not like we're not going to get to see them, you know? It's just put off. I dunno. I just feel weird. Then again maybe it's just the headache.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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