Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Angel Painting Update

So my quest to find this piece of artwork from the show "Angel" (Mmmm David Boreanaz) is nearing an end and it's kind of a cool ending if I do say so myself.

As if I haven't plastered this screencap all over the place enough:

I've Googled everything I could think of Googling, I've sifted through sites like hoping to stumble across it, I've posted my quest on Yahoo Answers, over on 24addict - anywhere I thought there would be good web traffic. I think it was one of my 24 addict readers who suggested I try contacting the set designers for "Angel" and he gave me some names that he pulled from the imdb. Well that made me go 'Duh' and 'Huh?' at the same time.

Duh because I didn't even think about looking that info up and Huh because how on earth do you find contact info for these people?

I did a bit of googling on it today though and stumbled onto a site for set decorators. It has a quarterly magazine for them (which is really interesting to browse through) and resource info for them and best of all (for me) a member directory.

One of the designers I was Googling happened to be a member, and lo and behold, her email addy was included in the member list. Sweet!

So I decided not to be a nervous eejit and I emailed her this morning and explained about my search for this piece of artwork that I really love. To my complete and utter amazement, she wrote me back! And she was actually the one who picked out the artwork for the Hyperion set! Oh happy day!

Sort of.

Unfortunately, the artwork was rented from a local prop shop in L.A. and is probably not available for purchase. *sigh* Ah well, at least now I know. But she gave me the contact info for the prop shop and said I might be able to get them to tell me who the artist is and perhaps contact them directly. I'm still waiting to hear back from them on that so we'll see.

But even though I should be crushingly disappointed that I probably can't get a print of the picture, I'm not. This lady was just so nice in her response to me when she totally didn't have to bother. She spoke a little about how much she enjoyed designing sets for "Angel" and how she "tried to really speak about him (Angel) and his situation esp. in the privacy of his own place."

To this movie/TV fan, that bit of insight into the thought process that goes into putting out a show is incredibly fascinating. I'm so happy she shared a few things like that with me. Hell, I'm pretty much just happy she took the time to write me back :)

Thus (nearly) ends my quest for this particular bit of art. It's been kind of fun tracking it down and I want to thank everyone who wrote to me with tips and ideas on who created it. The designer told me that I'm not the only one who's expressed an interest in this particular piece so I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thought it was gorgeous. Plus she said my detecting skills rock :) Hehe.

So that's my update on the painting. Pretty cool eh?


NEW UPDATE on 9/11/07: The Quest is at an end :)

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At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That *is* cool. It's all in the details man and only some of us pay attention to them.


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